Simon and Martina you can fuck off

I don’t know what it is but lately they are pissing me off like no other. So much so that I had to let it out somewhere. I think their dumbass tumblr argument didn’t help. They said some stupid shit on their Trouble Maker video and someone did a brilliant post calling them out on it in a perfectly polite way. Well they responded with:

We don’t mind it when people disagree with our opinion, but we do mind when people say that we’re racist, classist, sexist, and misogynistic, based off of misconstruing what we’ve said into something completely false, and attempting to interpret our secret or unspoken intentions. We can’t address every single issue in this massive tirade, but we’ll address the ones that upset us the most:

1. “I mean, one of Simon and Martina’s tags on the video is “Hyuna the stripper”. What. Now that’s fucking up, and harsh. “

Funny story, but not so funny story. You just made us $20 off that comment. A friend of ours (who is also a YouTuber) argued that no one cares about the tags and that putting them in is a waste of time. We bet him $20 that people do notice the tags and that they’re actually a big deal. So he told us to put in an outrageous tag and see if people noticed. People noticed in under 12 hours, so we changed the tag back to “Hyuna 4Minute”. What we didn’t expect was that the one tag would cause more controversy than the 10 minute video. And that’s the reason for the tag. Kind of lame huh?

2. “Oh, don’t think I didn’t notice your quick “Super ghetto old spy gear” description in the corner, guys. Must we go into the racialized, classist elements of such a comment and derogatory usage of the term “ghetto” or can ya’ll figure that shit out yourself?”

Are you calling us racist for calling something cheap looking? Are you serious? Has the word ghetto changed in some way since we last used it? Maybe it’s just a Canadian thing. Growing up, if something was broken or cheap, it was called ghetto, by people of all races, not just white people. Like “that car is so ghetto”, as in, the adjective ghetto, not the noun. The connotations you’ve pushed upon this are overwhelmingly ridiculous.

3. “Simon and Martina get to the “Real Focus” of the video-HYUNA DARING TO BE SEXY!”

You’re so very, very wrong on our “Real Focus.” We’re not focusing on her for DARING to be sexy; we’re focusing on her TRYING to be sexy. Very big difference which just about renders the rest of your argument invalid. To us, her sexiness looks unnatural, forced, and silly. To you, it might look natural, fierce, and hot. And it’s okay if you think that. But in our personal opinion, she’s not good at it.

Hyuna, to us, is not sexy. Hyuna trying to be sexy looks silly. Is that slut shaming? Must every woman attempting to be sexy in Korea be heralded as Kpop’s savior from patriarchy? What if we were to say “Good for you, Hyuna, for trying to be sexy and bucking the system. But you suck at it”? Will that make you feel better, or does acting sexy give you immunity from people’s criticism?

There’s nothing “wrong” with being sexual in videos, which is why we mentioned that we have no qualms with the Brown Eyed Girls’ video for “Sixth Sense”. Good job at overlooking that point, by the way. We also mentioned in our review of Bubble Pop how we like Hyori’s version of sexiness, but not Hyuna’s. You didn’t mention that point, either. You also excluded our point on men looking silly when Jacob and Taeyang constantly have their shirts off. But including that point wouldn’t fit your argument. And – big one here – you also forgot to mention that we specifically said that we’re not against sexiness in videos.

Seems like you overlooked a lot of our points. How about when we said that her role in the video doesn’t reflect her personality anymore than an actor’s does outside of a movie? Taking stuff out of context is a great way to win an argument, isn’t it?

You really like the word “slut-shaming” and tried to fit us into your argument, while throwing away every detail that contradicted your argument. The next time you disagree with us, we’d appreciate if you’d:

1) Include all the facts.

2) Not depend on reading between the lines and assume what we’re really secretly thinking.

Let’s continue!

4. “What do you MEAN each time you say “What Hyuna’s doing ‘takes away’ from…” FROM WHAT? The stark intellectual insight, artistic integrity, unique introspective viewpoint, and emotional depth that is usually the forefront of K-pop? […] It just so happens that with “Troublemaker”, they decided to get more in-your-face about the sex. WHICH THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH. Sit your ass down and learn a bit about what you claim to know fucking much about. Kpop is pretty much mindless, vapid aesthetics all based on profits, appeal, and trends. Don’t sit there and act like Hyuna is “ruining” anything.”

You might not appreciate kpop for the qualities you say that it lacks, but we appreciate and analyze Kpop videos for everything they are trying to express. We respect kpop idols because they can sing and dance, and they’re really freaking good at it.

So, what does Hyuna “take away” from? As an actress in this video, her acting was terrible. As a dancer? Bending over and sticking your hand between your thighs, crawling on the ground, violent pelvic thrusting has been done before…by Hyuna herself. It’s boring, unimaginative, repetitive, and lazy on the choreographer’s behalf.

Hyuna’s blasé dancing role takes away from what we viewed as an important quality in Kpop. I’ll look at how BoA dances and think “holy shit, that’s amazing,” or Beyonce’s pelvic thrusting in “Single Ladies” and think “Damn! That’s so fierce and confident!”, while I look at Hyuna’s moves and see nothing impressive about them. They seem hollow, forced, and unconvincing. You might find Hyuna’s dance moves fierce and confident, but we do not.

As of late, Hyuna sucks at dancing, sucks at being sexy, and we find her roles silly and forced and unnatural, while we don’t have those complaints with other people who we think do a better, more convincing job of it. Us saying “Hyuna, you look silly at trying to be sexy” does not equal “Hyuna, you’re a bad person for being sexy.”

Do you see the difference? We really hope so.


Simon & Martina

This is the douchiest thing ever. This was a well thought out, well written post that wasn’t flaming them or anything. I also heard that they blocked people who disagreed with them. Wow how childish is that?

1. Funny thing but justifying your actions through a bet makes you a fucking dumbass. “LOL YOU GUYS FELL FOR IT, IT WAS A BET!!!! YOU JUST HELPED US WIN MONIEZ!!!” Real fucking mature. I don’t even see how that has anything to do with it besides some shitty deflection. It doesn’t take away from the fact that you still did it. Just admit you were wrong and move on.

2. lt’s not a Canadian thing. It’s a racist thing. Bitch please, don’t normalize a terrible behaviour by saying that everyone does it where you are from a place. Don’t throw me under a bus for your actions. I don’t think you meant it in a bad way but it was you excusing it that offended me the most. Just admit you were wrong and move on.


99.9% of Kpop is tryhard and overly seductive. That’s the idea. I don’t understand how you can hate try-hard people when you are probably the biggest pair I’ve ever seen. Who in Kpop isn’t terribly try-hard? Practically no one. Every idol is playing a role and pretending they are confident and happy so you can get pleasure from them. People want escapism. They don’t want reality. Boa is probably dead inside and looking fierce to please you. It’s no different than Hyuna being sexy, it just comes down to what you prefer and you shouldn’t slut shame Hyuna for that. As well it was more so the way you said it.

4. “We respect kpop idols because they can sing and dance, and they’re really freaking good at it.”

Because Chansung and Kwanghaeng and Sohee are the Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey and Celine Dion of our generation.

Gosh look at what a skilled dancer Rain is. I’m really focusing on his beautiful dancing skills.

Okay yes Kpop does have talented artists. That’s not what it’s about. If it were Fluxus artists would be super popular because they are all flawless beings. Plus companies certainly wouldn’t have all of these good looking useless people in groups. The sad reality is the hot members are the popular ones and the cave trolls are shoved in the back to make the mr removeds sound decent. As long as the artists can lip synch and get the dancing moves somewhat right no one cares. It’s all about their looks and charms. Do you ever see talent tumblrs? No bitch you see sexy kpop porn tumblrs. My tlist always talks about wanting to fuck/marry someone rather than their talent as well. Can you really say TOP’s amazing dance skills are why you like him, Martina?

It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with idols just being hot. It doesn’t make them less of a person if they can’t sing or dance. After all they have the gift of beauty which not everyone can have so that’s something to be praised as well.

Ugh there goes the little bit of respect I had for you.


I don’t understand how people genuinely enjoy their videos for what they are. They can be somewhat amusing sometimes but to be in love with them and stan Simon and Martina? No. Especially nowadays. What is there to like? Every video is the same.

A Simon and Martina video:

Simon acts sexy.

However because he is a normal dude and not Jinwoon or something it’s supposed to be funny I guess. Is this not tryhard? Am I missing something?

They want to be Korean and dress up as them constantly.

Something just rubs me so wrong about this. I don’t know it just seems like an excuse for Martina to use her aegyo or some shit.

They torture their dog.

Although the greater crime is Spudgy being forced to live with them 24/7 they really need to stop with the Spudgy thing. He’s cute but move on. I’m not opposed to them showing Spudgy but you don’t need him to dance to every song or whatever.

Martina tries to be cute but ends up being an annoying tryhard dumbass.

They should take their own advice. It’s like they say, if you are try hard you should stop. So she should leave the cuteness to people who suit it. She looks ridiculous(ANYONE WHO IS NOT AN IDOL PRETTY MUCH WOULD AND MOST IDOLS FUCK IT UP TOO)trying to be cute. It’s not her faces so much as the cute voice. I want to repeatedly punch her. STOP. She isn’t  5 and she takes it way too far and constantly does it.

Some joke about Mordney Present.

Pretty much the only funny thing they did and then they forced memed it to hell.

This also bothers me:

The stupid abbreviations.

I like wordplay. I think abbreviations can be fun. But not every fucking second and try hard ones like FART and WANK. How old are they? Then again their 10 year old fanbase probably thinks that’s funny.

Martina is the Matt Stone(sorry Matt) to Simon’s Trey Parker.

Trust me if anything funny ever happens (which chances are it’s pretty low, Family Guy has a higher chance to entertain) it’s always from Simon. She’s essentially useless. The only reason she needs to exist is so Simon has someone to play of off and anyone could do that. I find sometimes Simon amusing but Martina is never and therefore wasting my time.

WANK is such a fail.

When I first heard about this I was shocked. WTF became boring after the first 3 or so episodes. They were actually realizing that it sucked and were going to actually go explore Korea? As a Koreaboo this is what I was waiting for the whole time. When they quit their jobs as teachers to solely work on YouTube videos(I assume this is what happened if it is good for them but they probably shouldn’t bites the hand that feeds you if that’s the case)I found they were out of touch with Korea in a way.

So this was a great chance to go exploring in Korea and educate people about what Korea has to offer, right? Nope. What they do instead is find some Engrish, find a Kpop star on a sign and do a stupid challenge which they could have done inside their house anyway defeating the point of going out.

I don’t know man. Why couldn’t they just explore Korea without making it into some kind of quirky place where there’s Engrish and Kpop idols!!! There’s nothing wrong with saying that goes on in Korea but that’s not the only thing that happens there and it seems like all they want to do is show us how weird Korea is. Why not show us great places to go and give us some history about the area instead? Would that be so hard?It seems like they  have no connection to Korea. Like they could be in Canada and I wouldn’t really know the difference. I think it would be great to go around and talk to locals but I don’t even know if they know enough Korean to do that. See it’s kind of pointless. If they don’t make some effort to connect then like I said there’s no point in them being there and doing WANK.

If by chance you ever read this I don’t hate you or anything I am just mad. I think that you should try to grow up a bit. Okay I know I’m not perfect either but it’s the effort that counts. You can’t grow as a person if you if you don’t want to. Being wrong isn’t a bad thing, it just happens. Humans do make mistakes. We learn as we go. If you do just live off of Youtube you should try to be nicer to your fans because it could all go away if you take it for granted. People can get sick of you and blocking them for trying to help you isn’t the best way to help your fanbase grow, you know? Be nice to those who are considerate enough to look at your videos. Be happy and thankful they take the time to do so because they like what you do.

Oh and fix your logo. That shit’s not cute. I get what you were going for but the E looks more fucked up and less cute.  It’s too deformed as it is.

193 thoughts on “Simon and Martina you can fuck off

      • You just need to get a life and stop hating on other people. Dude, everyone is entitled to their opinions.

      • This makes no sense. You said EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions. So I’m not allowed to criticize S&M but they are free to do it to idols? That is what they do for a living you know. You aren’t even hiding your bias. Either we are all allowed to have opinions or no one is. You can’t pick or choose who gets to do what. Try again please.

      • I can elaborate you come off as hypocritical.when you rant about slut shaming and in the same breath use Lookism against Martina

        “she should leave the cuteness to people who suit it. She looks ridiculous(ANYONE WHO IS NOT AN IDOL PRETTY MUCH WOULD”

        IMO they’re just as shallow as you instead of making fun of Korea and telling unfunny jokes they could have done a more serious show maybe helped Koreans learn to speak English better they could have used their videos to create something more educational and less pointless.

      • Dude you need to relax. What is so near and dear to your heart that makes you so angry about this topic? If there’s no quick and obvious answer to that question, then there’s no need to keep being angry.

      • Lol, its probably Martina making that comment. I thought you made some very good points and it without attacking anyone.

    • I happen to think that this whole article is gold. Simon and Martina are super annoying and starting to really become little scam artists.

      • Scam artists? How so? You do know what that means, don’t you? I ask because just based on the definition, they definitely are not scamming anyone and to think that they are implies you don’t know what a scam artist is.

      • Sorry I can’t post a comment normally(?), so here’s my response.

        Your argument was very well made, but throughout this whole rant you kept reiterating about how S&M focused on certain aspects and not others. They are catering to an audience. At first they expressed all of their opinions, but now they gear themselves towards people who have an interest in Korea but have not actually been there or associated in depth with what it has to offer.
        Yes, their humor is crude, but it’s a style that some people like. They have more of an immature presence, but I think it’s freaking funny. Do you remember high school? Idk if you’re in it or past it, but terms like ‘ghetto’ and ‘slut’ are basic vocabulary. Now if they were to be aware of every person everywhere who might accidentally stumble upon their videos, then they would create them in a very bland format that would have no appeal to anyone. They would lose the spark that makes the videos ‘S&M’.
        Do I absolutely love them? No. Do I follow them? Yes. There are some things in their videos that do offend me as a fan of that particular group, but I can live with that. It’s their videos, their opinions. Same as this post is yours and is your opinion.
        And Rain, in this era, has shown his stellar dancing in 30 Sexy. Hyuna has not. And she is being marketed by her company, something S&M have said several times.

      • “This was a well thought out, well written post that wasn’t flaming them or anything.” “Sit your ass down and learn a bit about what you claim to know fucking much about. Kpop is pretty much mindless, vapid aesthetics all based on profits, appeal, and trends. Don’t sit there and act like Hyuna is “ruining” anything.””

        Yeah, that’s not flaming at all because swearing in an adult conversation is very mature. Did you read something completely different then what you posted as “well thought out and well written”?
        This entire post is a joke. It’s fine if you don’t like Simon and Martina. If they just personally bug you and you disagree with him, no one is going to fault you for it. But using examples like this isn’t getting anyone to get on your side. It makes you look like you just dislike them because you can and want sympathy in your dislike.

        They were in no way douchey in their responses. Even the 20 dollar thing was just pointing out that tags do matter and they were making a point.

        Also Hyuna does look like a stripper in her vids and people are offended by that? What a strippers low class still in peoples minds? It simply means that you take off your clothes or dress sexy and dance for money. Is that not what she’s doing? Is that not what a lot of music videos do? I’m perfectly fine with it and not offended. It’s just boring if it’s the same simple unimaginative moves the person has done before. That’s what Simon and Martina were even criticizing not that she was sexual, but that it was really freaking boring with it’s sexualness. I liked Trouble Maker, and had a good laugh about the flaws or sillyness they pointed out. It’s good to be able to see something for the mistakes it has. It’s a really unhealthy attitude people have when they can’t handle something they love being poked fun at or even having it’s flaws revealed.

        “They torture their dog” and then you said absolutely nothing that justified a ludicrious statement.

        You lose all validity to even your own opinion when you hyperbole so far that you passed pluto on your way out of the solar system that is your argument.

        If anything, I like Simon and Martina more now because they showed how effectively and professionally they handled bullshit at them.

  1. It’s well within your right not to like them but this is just a hating and bashing post. I actually found Simon and Martina’s answers to the questions diplomatic and well thought out. I do find that sometimes Simon and Martina’s jokes funny and not every video is brilliant but I am usually still entertained and I commend them because they have taught me about Korean culture outside of Korean Dramas and songs. Also, why you hatin’ so hard on Martina? I personally think they both seem like incredibly nice people and feel bad that they got all of this overwhelming hate because of one stupid video. People need to move on, if you don’t like them then stop watching their videos and stop whining.

    • Wow first I’d like to say thank you for actually taking time to write out a response instead of just flaming me.

      Yeah there’s a fair amount of hating but I feel like I did actually try to put in some effort and say why they were pissing me off exactly.

      I don’t think they are well thought out responses. Yes they did put time into writing back but essentially they came up with childish justifications like they couldn’t do any wrong.

      Talking about how Hyuna forgot her pants WAS slut-shaming. Whether or not they thought she was trying too hard was a different matter. She was ridiculed for wearing something short because women are “supposed to” cover up.
      How is making $20 a justification for doing something wrong? It isn’t. If I said “I bet no one will notice me punching this dude.” and when I punched him some guy told me it was wrong and I came back with ” It was a bet! I won some money!” Wouldn’t you think that was douchey on my part? It’s not a good justification.

      How is it well thought out to say that Canadians all say ghetto so it’s okay? If I call someone a chink, nigger or a fag and say “It’s okay bro, don’t be offended we say that in Canada.” Does that sound reasonable to you? No it doesn’t. That is a shit defense. They could’ve said “We didn’t know it was offensive because it gets tossed around here and we are sorry we will watch ourselves.”

      The examples I am using might be harsh for you but I am doing it to make a point. So you see that’s it’s wrong or a dumb way to go about things. If people get away with doing little thing who knows what they will do next because no one reprimands them.

      I just find Martina boring. Simon is always the funny one to me. Plus like I said that cutesy voice annoys me so much. It turns my indifference towards her to annoyance.

      I don’t hate them and I don’t hate their videos. I find them amusing sometimes. I just think they have gotten incredibly stale. They also are extremely detached from Korea and just like the cool Engrish without really exploring further and Korea is more than that.

      See I don’t think people need to move on especially over something like this. It’s different to saying Suju sucks or they didn’t like it. That is the stupid shit people shouldn’t argue about. You shouldn’t sweep things under the rug like this though. People should know what they are like especially if they don’t apologize. If they apologized and took the video down or edited it I’d be perfectly cool but instead they are blocking people who are telling they don’t like the way they acted and won’t do anything about it. That’s why I am incredibly, incredibly pissed off at them.

      It’s not cool to act like that. Tons of younger people and impressionable people watch their videos as well and will think it’s perfectly okay and it’s not. I don’t like racist people or people who slut shame. Again people make mistakes and all I would’ve liked was an apology from them. They won’t though because they are assholes who think they’ve done nothing wrong. I hope they have at least learned to be more careful since they don’t give a shit about what people have to say unless you agree with them.

  2. You just need to get over it. Its their opinion. Their damn website. They built it from scratch and can do whatever the hell they please.

    I bet they even know that people are assholes that just want to be pleased, which is why they tried to so hard to be ‘annoying’ to be known. Why be the dull kid at a party when you could rub your face in others faces to be remembered? It’s how they got this far along with their popularity.

    They don’t have to apologize for nothing. Mistake made, you fell for the joke, ha ha ha for you, quit bagging on them for being who they are.

    They are criticizers, and as such they give their own opinions, good or bad. You think that Dragonball Evolution should’ve made a new movie just ‘to please the obvious disappointed fans’. Hell no. They spent the time and money to film and produce it and they just have to suck it up.

    Just like you are going to have to suck up the fact that you are a lamer.

    • Yeah they can do whatever they please it is their website. This is my website and I can do whatever the hell I please. Maybe you should deal with it.

      That’s fair enough. I can see why they are popular. I get that they are probably tryhard to cater to the moronic 11 year olds who like Kpop. They are essentially a Twilight scenario as well and create a great fantasy for people. People like the fact that they are married and have that best friend feel. They are dorky so people feel like they can relate and I guess they make people feel cool or like they aren’t alone or something. They are in Korea and people can fantasize that it’s themselves doing this so they can bang their oppars or by watching they are somehow in and living like Simon and Martina. I understand it. But I don’t like what they did in regards to that tumblr post and saying they did nothing wrong.

      What the fuck? Why is racism, slut shaming, etc. cool to you? What kind of fucked up person are you? I just can’t get over it. What is wrong with you? I hope you don’t breed. SMH.

      I don’t care about their opinions. If they never said anything that was offensive then I wouldn’t care. Like I said there’s a big difference between “Eww The Boys it a shit song.” and “Hurr durr puts on some pants Hyuna, you are slutting it up too much for da pure Kpaps.” . Why can’t you seem to grasp that? Wow how stupid are you?

      I’m going to cry myself too sleep tonight over that wicked burn. It will stay with me for the rest of my life. Good job. Listen I don’t care if I appear lame to you to be honest since you clearly only have one brain cell anyway if you are trying to excuse them for what they did and telling me to move on.

  3. Honestly, if you feel this way about Simon and Martina, why do you watch their videos? Just unsubscribe. It’s literally a click away, and then it’s over. I really feel that this hate post was crossing way over the line. Yes, you’re permitted to feel the way you do about them, just as other people are permitted to love them, but writing out an entire blog post about why you hate them? It’s overkill, and more importantly, it’s really impolite. Unsubscribe and move on. Accept the fact that they do things you don’t agree with and leave it at that. Every day, you come across people who do things you find distasteful or mean or annoying, but you wouldn’t throw hate at them to their faces. It’s not the honorable or considerate thing to do. Let them carry on with their lives and you carry on with your own. It’s not a good idea to try to shove your philosophy down someone else’s throat, because they may not agree with you, just as you do not agree with them. It’s also important to realize that Simon and Martina can’t please everyone, which you have made incredibly obvious. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if they are doing something you personally do not like or agree with, sever contact. Unsubscribe from their channels, stop following the tag on tumblr, unlike the Facebook page, do whatever else you need to do. But please, don’t write pointless hate posts.

    Keep in mind, I’m just expressing an opinion. This wasn’t meant to be critical of you or anything of that sort. I just thought it was a little inconsiderate of their feelings toward the situation.

    • Just because I find their videos terrible most of the time doesn’t mean I hate them. If I hated them I clearly wouldn’t watch their videos. They do have their moments tbh. It doesn’t happen that often but occasionally they are funny and amusing.

      Look, all I did was one entry on the subject of them and how I find they suck lately and I hate how they treated the Hyuna situation. I’m not constantly harassing them on their YouTube channels or website. I am not outside their house yelling at them. I just wrote what I felt at the time. Just as you are doing now. You aren’t harassing me, you just have an opinion and are expressing it ONCE.

      Why don’t you explain to me how what they did was not wrong instead of telling me to move on. I can sure as hell explain to you how it isn’t right but all of you seem to not focus on that. I know I am a super bitch. I got that. Just please explain to me how their actions were justified in a way that isn’t misogynistic. Go on. I bet you can’t because it was wrong but nobody cares about that only that I am hurting poor Simon and Martina’s feelings.

      Again disagreeing is something like I think Shinee sucks but they like it. This is different and should not get swept under the rug. I don’t support slut-shaming, etc. and neither should you. By excusing them for what they did you are supporting misogyny and racism. Why you think that’s acceptable is beyond me.

      By all means be as critical as you like. I’m not 5 years old, I can handle it. I can get what I give. I don’t really care.

      • WHOA, hold on here, I was not saying I’m a huge starstruck fan who just ignores anything bad they say, nor am I doing so now. It was wrong to put the “hyuna is a stripper” tag on the video and it was wrong to say what they said about her. I recognize that it was a horribly insensitive thing to do on their part. I like them and their videos because they provide a new perspective on a country and culture I used to know almost nothing about, not because I support misogyny and racism. They were expressing an opinion, just as you and I are doing right now. I did feel that their opinion was, quite frankly, shockingly insensitive, but it was a mistake that Simon and Martina had to make. They’ve pushed the envelope a little too far this time, and from their post on tumblr, they understand that. As you’ve stated, life is full of mistakes, and it’s our job to learn from them. It became clear within a couple hours of their posting the video that people much like you and I did not agree with their opinions. I don’t agree with everything they say, either, but I do find their videos interesting. I didn’t know arcades in Korea were so much more exciting than North American arcades until I watched their recent video, and it’s videos such as that one that make me want to keep watching.

        However, you’ve stated that you find them bland and uninteresting. If they’re so bland and uninteresting, why do you watch them? (This is why I brought up the “unsubscribe and move on” point.) If you got bored after 3 episodes of WTF, why did you keep watching? YouTube was made to entertain, so why not find something more entertaining instead of continuing to watch the uninteresting and letting these feelings fester inside of you? There’s a whole internet out here, you just have to look! I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m too ADD and move on too quickly if something doesn’t catch and keep my interest, but generally, if I’m bored within the first 15 seconds, I go find something more interesting to watch. I’m just wondering why you don’t seem to understand that life is full of all sorts of unsavory people, and it’s not like everyone writes hate posts about the insensitive racist guy they see on the bus every day on the way to work. If it bothers you, you change bus routes, or you carpool with a friend, or you do whatever it takes to avoid that insensitive racist guy on the bus. Now, I’m not saying I condone racist behavior of any sort, and I’m not ignoring the fact that they said what they said, but you don’t see me writing hate posts about the guy (or Simon and Martina) on my blog.

        For the record, I’m the co-founder of a women’s rights and equality group in my area. I don’t support misogyny in any way whatsoever, and I find it to be really offensive. I was quite upset that they said what they said about Hyuna, believe me, and they did lose a fair bit of my respect for them by saying what they said. I did find their tumblr post to be prudent and well thought-out, though, because they did their best to explain their reasoning. You, however, have just spit out reasons why you dislike them in a rather child-like manner. “I hate Martina because her voice is annoying and she has no real reason to exist, and Simon is too much of a try-hard. Oh, and their new logo is really sucky and deformed, so I’ll hate them for that, too.” I’ll ask again: if you find them bland and uninteresting and distasteful and think their videos are terrible most of the time, why do you continue watching them? It’s a rather backwards way of thinking, your way.

        I personally find them to be genuinely nice people who really think about what they want to say before they say it. They gave an opinion that was insensitive, but that happens to us all at some point in our lives. Someone pushed a joke too far, another prejudiced based on stereotypes without getting to know the person, yet another called someone a mean name. It happens. We learn, we carry on with our lives, we try not to make the mistake again, and we ask for forgiveness. Apparently, I’m much more forgiving than you are. So sue me.

        Again, we’re just expressing opinions. I’m really not trying to be critical of you. I honestly believe you’re probably not as horrible a person as this post makes you out to be, but I can’t help but think that you’re kind of a Warner Chilcott-style jerkface based on this post and comment thread alone. I don’t know you, and I’m sure you’re all kinds of pleasant and mature IRL, but really, stop behaving like a child on the internet. If it bothers you this much, stop watching the videos. It’s a lot simpler than you seem to think it is. I’m sorry if I you think I’m being a jerk to you, because I’m really not trying to be. This is just how I feel about the situation you’ve presented.

      • I think the problem with the Internet is that you can’t really talk with someone as you would IRL. I can’t tell you’re not some blinded fan and you can’t tell I’m not constantly a bitter asshole even though that’s probably hard to believe. Most of the things I say perhaps turn out to be more serious than I mean them to come across. However that really doesn’t matter because obviously people are going to perceive them as they want and I can’t deny that I was harsh so it is what it is.

        I don’t think that they really did apologize and that’s why I was so incredibly annoyed. They gave excuses instead of just saying sorry. Saying that ghetto is not bad in Canada is false and you shouldn’t use a place where you come from as a justification for saying it. As well a bet does not justify that tag either. It gives us some background if that indeed is true but doesn’t really make it better.

        Also I think blocking people is one of the worst things you can do. People should be able to say whatever they like despite if someone doesn’t like it. You should never limit people or make them feel like they aren’t free to say what they want for fear that they’ll be blocked. 

        They took the tag down yes but the video is still there with them telling Hyuna she forgot her pants, etc. so essentially the message still stands. Again I realize that people can make mistakes but it seemed like they learned nothing because to me actions speak louder than words and like I said they haven’t done anything to make me feel any different.

        That’s why I get pissed off at people who are defending them for it like they did nothing wrong. They did. I don’t think I need to move on but like at the same time I am not constantly walking around with my fists clenched cursing them for ruining my life for what they did.  I keep it in my head as a mental note and wrote this entry but that’s about it. I lost a lot of respect for them and it will stay that way until they actually do something about what they did. I realize that it’s probably futile but whatever. 

        Again I don’t hate them. I do like some things they do and there are times where they entertain me and enlighten me. This is why I was looking forward to WANK because I thought it had the potential to be educational and fun but as I said they haven’t done anything so far that really showcases Korea and the format tends to focus on them instead of Korea which is fine but not informative. I found a lot of their older videos to be really good and perhaps not as forced because they had no standards to live up to or maybe weren’t as comfortable, I don’t know. 

        Some of their newer videos have parts that are okay and I enjoy those parts. So that’s why I watch them SOMETIMES. Usually I will just skip over videos from them if I find it boring and watch something if I find it interesting. I don’t constantly watch them all and then complain after every one of them because that would be rather stupid of me.

        Yeah I do find Martina annoying at times. I’m not going to even say anything otherwise because that would be a lie. She wasn’t/isn’t always annoying to me but that aegyo drives me. I can’t remember her ever doing that or doing it constantly in the older videos. I don’t know if I am correct or not on that but I think so.

        The point I was making with the tryhard comment was that it was hypocritical of them to say that Hyuna was tryhard. She’s an idol, it’s her job to try to please people. I’d be more concerned if she did nothing. Every idol does that. Plus the fact that it’s okay for Hyori or some other girl to do it but when Hyuna displays her sexuality it’s somehow TOO MUCH and trying too hard. They frequently are tryhards(but I guess if it works for them, why not) and I don’t see why they would say that she’s not allowed to do so. I have never seen or can recall them say anything like this about anyone else in Kpop.

        The logo thing wasn’t a serious dig or anything I just think their logo sucks. Even though I did insult them that wasn’t necessarily meant to be just that way. I  meant to say it sucks to help(which is why I was saying the E looks deformed and should be fixed) them. That probably sounds weird considering and it’s fine if you don’t believe me but it’s true. I hate ugly logos. XD

  4. Weird, I can’t reply directly to your reply to my reply to your reply to my comment (that’s really confusing, sorry), so I’ll just reply in a new comment, if that’s okay?

    I totally see where you’re coming from (thanks for explaining your opinion a little further, by the way! It was very helpful!), but I still disagree to a point. I don’t disagree completely, but there are a few things which I do still disagree with. Which is okay, it’s totally fine for two people to disagree and that doesn’t prevent them from polite discourse like that which as already taken place between the two of us. I do think that Simon and Martina’s videos have taken some odd turns recently. It seems like their videos have a forced aspect to them because, like you said, they have expectations now. Their fanbase has grown and they feel that they have to live up to everyone’s expectations of them. I enjoyed the earlier Kpop Music Mondays and their older videos about Korean food and why it’s important to the Korean culture and lifestyle, and I feel like that element is missing from their more recent videos. I also feel that they have a definite bias toward YG and against SM and JYP and Cube, simply because YG has better English and doesn’t market an idol’s sexiness to the degree that the other labels seem to be comfortable with. (I also agree that a lot of Korean idols, not just Hyuna, act in an overtly sexual manner, and I find it odd that Hyuna is the only one Simon and Martina find it a problem with. I mean, Rainism was clearly designed to exploit Rain’s sexiness, and yet they didn’t complain about it nearly as much as they did about Hyuna. And also, the way the idols look and act are not necessarily accurate reflections of their personalities and who they are aside from being a Kpop idol.)

    And yes, it was totally wrong to say that Hyuna forgot her pants, and I understand why that’s a horrifyingly rude thing to say and why Simon and Martina lost your respect because of that. And yes, it is wrong to say that it’s totally okay to say someone or something is ghetto just because it was okay to say it back in Canada. It’s insensitive regardless of where you live now and where you are from/your cultural background, so I agree with you in regards to their misuse of colloquialisms. However, I don’t find Martina annoying. I think she’s kind of cute, but the aegyo is becoming increasingly more common…hrmm. *strokes nonexistent goatee* But different people have separate impressions of the same person, and that’s okay too. We don’t all have to like each other and agree with each other. Otherwise, what would be the point in conversation if we all just agreed with each other?
    You: I don’t like this.
    Me: I don’t either.
    -Conversation over-
    But disagreements do something like this:
    You: I don’t like this.
    Me: Well, I like it. Explain why you don’t.
    ^That is what generates conversation, and that’s basically the conversation we had in a very condensed nutshell.

    In regards to the logo, I didn’t like it at first, either. I still think it’s kind of weird. It’s growing on me, though. I like the blue background. :3 LOL but that’s…about it. I’ll agree that the E is a bit annoying because I’m slightly OCD and EVERYTHING MUST BE IN A PERFECT LINE, but it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. It reminds me vaguely of Pac-man. Still, I see where you’re coming from. It’s a weird change from the normality of their old logo.

    It’s really awesome that you took the time to read what I (and other people) had to say, and even just from you reading what I said and responding to it, I can see that you aren’t a jerk like this post made you out to be. You responded politely and refrained from name-calling or cursing like I would expect from any other person in your position on the internet, and I appreciate it. It was very kind of you to respectfully defend your opinion, even though I may not have defended mine as respectfully as you did. (I’m really sorry for calling you a child and a jerkface, by the way. It was a bit rude, in retrospect.) I admire your audacity to speak your mind and stick to your thoughts the way you did. Thank you!

    • In retrospect it was probably my fault. I should realize that most Simon and Martina fans are ignorant and can’t handle anyone bashing Simon and Martina. I should have expanded on exactly why they are wrong and why I find them annoying more.

      That’s perfectly fine. You are free to disagree with me. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me and I certainly don’t feel like I am better than anyone. Just as long as you realize why they were wrong and you do it’s all good.

      Yeah like I said I am not a fan of them blocking people and comparing their opinions on why what they did was wrong to not liking a soda flavor or whatever. People tried to tell them respectfully or at least wrote a well thought out opinion on why they were wrong and they didn’t seem to care.

      Also I am disgusted that they just made up the T-aratards thing. It seems like they are purposefully trying to be offensive now. Not to mention that fans will think that’s okay when it’s making fun of people with mental disabilities. I am officially unsubscribing now as I don’t want to support people who are like that.

      I think that they are trying to make a brand out of themselves more so that’s why they rebooted their logo and everything. Before they weren’t concerned with it but now I think YouTube is their sole income, I think. This trying to please people and become more of a brand makes them annoying to me. I liked those older videos when they were doing it to have fun rather than trying to become famous. I understand them doing it but I don’t like them this way.

      • I’m glad you’re expressing your opinion and getting people into a discussion. How can this world thrive if we don’t have disagreements? There would be no way for us to advance! However, my only thing that I would avoid in any argument is making generalizations. Which, correct me if I’m wrong since I have not read through every single comment (I am more curious to understand what’s happening here!), is something you did not appreciate Simon and Martina for doing? The generalization that every person from a specific place acts a certain way?

        Skimming through, I saw you wrote “In retrospect it was probably my fault. I should realize that most Simon and Martina fans are ignorant and can’t handle anyone bashing Simon and Martina.” Eh, it’s perhaps not the best tactic to over-generalize an entire audience like that. It doesn’t contribute to the argument, and makes both sides more tense. Arguments can be done in a calm way that avoids insults.

        Otherwise, it’s great to see people shouting out their opinions, like the slut-shaming that occurred from both of them. Kudos for not letting that fly by.

  5. Wow so angry… I didn’t think someone could be so violent in one post lol. But I mean do you really like HyunA that much or were you just using it as a way to let out all your pent up anger on them? Sure they aren’t perfect at what they do, but it’s pretty hard not to have a blog or youtube channel where you freely speak your mind and don’t end up offending someone lol… I can see where your coming from though some of what they say goes too far. I guess the ghetto term never really bothered me because I’m so used to being around people at school, work, and friends that use it loosely. Usually what it means to me is someone who is loud, obnoxious, and has a poor vocabulary, but I realize that everyone’s definition is not the same. But honestly I had to agree with them partially (key word there) about HyunA’s sexyness… she herself is of course is very pretty and sexy, but the things she does in bubble pop and troublemaker did seem forced and like she was trying too hard. I think it has a lot to do with the company because well frankly sex sells, kpop male idols don’t take off shirts for fun after all. But I liked it better when she was a skilled dancer and a good singer. Now it seems all she does is be provocative and shake well.. her goods all around. It kinda breaks my heart to see her like that in bubble pop in troublemaker. I wish her company would give her good choreography instead of making her rub herself all over a guy and swipe her hand between her legs. But anyway that’s my two cents worth I’m not really trying to take anyone’s side I just hope HyunA get’s better respect because it makes me sad to see her being called slut and whore, hopefully we can at least both agree on that 🙂

    • First off thank you for writing something I can actually reply to. I appreciate you taking the time to write. I apologize of this is too long for you to read and I understand if you don’t but I wanted to fully address the points you brought up. Sorry for any typos, it’s early in the morning.

      It’s a little of column A and B. Usually in any case I am pretty blunt and bitter sounding. I am pretty pissed off with them to be honest. They are people who have a large fanbase of young or impressionable kids who idolize them. They shouldn’t be doing this type of thing. Not apologizing for the things they said, blocking people and then saying this about people who were perfectly kind(not me though lol obviously I am rude)is disgusting. People were only trying to help them. If they just left a comment like “I hate you. ” instead of explaining politely why they were wrong I could see it.

      The thing is I don’t personally feel it’s right to sweep these kind of matters under the rug. Yes okay if they said that Super Junior was ugly and they were getting backlash over that I would understand. Also I know they probably get a lot of crazy fans just absolutely bashing them all of the time anyway because they said they didn’t like oppa’s song but that doesn’t mean that every one who disagrees or criticizes them should be lumped in with those people.

      I don’t approve of them acting like they should be free of judgement and censoring people who disagree with what they did. It’s like me blocking you and deleting your comment even though you took the time to type it out and think about what you were saying just because it was criticizing me. It would not make you feel very good and it would make you feel like it’s no good to challenge them which is what they want. They only want people to approve of them and follow them blindly. It’s terrible and no one should be allowed to censor people. Everyone should have the right to say what they want.

      It’s not so much the fact that they say offensive things but the fact that they won’t apologize or admit they were wrong. Yes, we all can make mistakes. Sometimes our environments make it so we don’t even realize it when we are offensive.

      I grew up in a completely white island(practically full of ignorant people) and my parents are racist and misogynistic. Did I say a lot of offensive things? You bet. I didn’t have anyone to tell me why it was wrong or reprimand and everyone else did it so it was acceptable. The thing is I eventually learned through the Internet that what I was doing was wrong. Do I regret it? Yes but I can’t change what I did in the past. The only thing I can do is move forward. So no I don’t believe people should be crucified for their actions if they are remorseful. However I saw no such evidence from Simon and Martina. They didn’t admit what they did was wrong or change their video.

      Ghetto is derogatory. It is a racist and classist slur meant to put down black and/or poor people. The reason you and your friends use it is that it has been brought down to be slang for something that is cheap. However even if it is commonplace it is still wrong to do and makes people feel bad. It’s kind of the same way people say “That’s gay.” It’s to use gay as a replacement word for bad or lame to reinforce that gay people are that. You never will hear “That’s so straight.” because straight people are treated well and privileged in society.

      I actually do agree with some of points they made about Hyuna but the thing is the way they phrased it made it offensive and misogynistic. I even wrote a blog earlier about the video and I said she tried too hard.
      I don’t disagree with that. It again was the way they said it. They said things criticizing her for showing sexuality.

      They said Hyuna forgot her pants and girls should not be slut shamed for what they are wearing. It’s a way to keep women in control but men can do whatever they please and not get harped on. You probably know this though but I wanted to expand on it just in case.

      Also saying that her being sexy was taking away from the video is silly because really Kpop is mindless dribble(although I am not saying that some of the idols are untalented or don’t work hard so please don’t mistake me) when you look at it. It’s produced by companies to make money. They generally don’t care about artistry. In fact a lot of what draws people in is the sex aspect. I am attracted to some guys in Kpop and I support their group partially because I find them good looking.

      If Hyuna wants to be sexy she should be allowed to be sexy. She shouldn’t be criticized for displaying it or told she ruins the MV. If they said that her vocal abilities or dancing abilities were ruining it then that’s different.

      As well it seems like poor Hyuna is the only one to ever get criticized. The Brown Eyed Girls are allowed to be sexy because they “pull it off”, Hyori is, everyone else is but Hyuna isn’t and is somehow TOO sexy. Plus we all know that male groups can do whatever they please because their moves or clothing usually never gets banned.

      Believe me I would prefer it too that she gets more challenging dances because she can do more than those simple routines she is getting. However I don’t think it’s right though to being her sexuality into it.

      By the way I’m sure you didn’t mean to make it sound like what you did but that comes off as you criticizing her for being sexual. What you really want is her to again do more challenging dance routines and show off her vocals. Grinding off some dude doesn’t change the difficulty of the dance routine. Regardless of how sexy her routine is I am sure you would still be disappointed if she did something simple, right? Please try to be more careful in the future and if you made it to here thank you for reading.

      • I wasn’t necessarily trying to criticize her sexiness I guess I just (in my opinion) always appreciated her better for her other talents and I wish those would get some more light recently. But it’s ultimately her choice as an artist, I guess if I knew for sure if those were the kind of videos she really wanted to do. I’d probably come to peace with it. But I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised either because she has always been kind of the more forward one even in 4Minute, but I’ll try and get more used to HyunA’s image and be more at ease with it because I want to support her 🙂

        Now that I think about it Simon is being kinda hypocritical because he said one of his favourite 4minute videos was I My Me Mine and she pulls of some of the same moves he was bashing her for in the other videos inconsistency much :L

        And I also want to say thank you for not replying to me rudely or angrily. I have to admit I was half expecting to be flamed but you answered quite calmly and maturely.

      • I understand that you meant nothing by that so I don’t really care so much or judge you.

        Personally I don’t think Hyuna likes to be like that(or perhaps even that in charge and confident Hyuna in 4minute) because she is always really shy whenever I see her not performing. The thing is if idols were always their true selves they probably would be boring or not as appealing to people so they have personas.

        Lee Hyori is pretty much known as a sexy artist but who is to say she likes that either? She probably prefers being at home with her animals.

        Exactly. They are criticizing Hyuna for things that other artists do all of the time or being inconstant with their criticisms. If they constantly complained about the lack of clothing that artists wear like 2pm taking off their shirts, etc. it would not seem so bad.

        Plus Simon is always doing the same moves as Hyuna so why should he criticize her for them and then do them if he finds them too sexy or tryhard ruining things? It doesn’t really make much sense to me.

      • I understand how the word retard is offensive, don’t get me wrong, and I never use that word as a slur towards someone who is mentally disabled or otherwise. But ‘en retard’ in French means to be late or slow and I don’t know a lot about etymology, but I’m pretty sure that’s where we get the term retard from. So the word itself (in my opinion) isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s the connotation behind the word when people use it to put down others that makes it a bad word.
        That being said, Simon called himself a T-aratard and (while I don’t really think I have the right to pick and choose what is or isn’t offensive) I do have to say that Simon didn’t say that to be rude or insulting. A T-aratard is someone who is a fan of T-ara (or that’s how he’s using the word) so ‘T-aratard’ is actually a positive thing. Isn’t that better than using it to describe a T-ara antifan? I think it’s a good thing that he took a word that most people perceive as negative or use as a slur and made it into something positive.

      • The thing is even if they did use it positively(but they didn’t) they have no right to claim it. If I am not a black person I shouldn’t use nigger. If I am not a women I shouldn’t use bitch. You have to think about who is reclaiming these words. Is it the person who is affected by the slur? No often it is not. It is someone who is privileged and not affected who wants to use it to be funny or whatever at the sake of a group’s expense.

        The justification for it is always that they didn’t mean it that way. It’s a poor excuse when the word is COMMONLY KNOWN TO BE DEROGATORY. It’s true that intent does matter but I can’t see any other way the word retard could be used. If retard means slow then why is it used to describe a fan? Are they walking around at a turtle’s pace?

        They meant what they said. Retard was used to put down “crazy” people and that’s why the used retard. It makes sense with how they used it. Tara-tard = someone who is a T-ara “retard”. It’s an over obsessive fan. It’s used in all kinds of fandoms(Twitard, Narutard) and generally not in a positive light. It still doesn’t mean it’s okay whatsoever whether they used it to insult or praise someone because they included retard.

        Why did they have to use that word in the first place when it’s commonly known to be offensive? Is it funny to make fun of people like that? I don’t think so. Simon and Martina can’t be that stupid or oblivious. The only thing left is that they are thoughtless jerks.

  6. You’re so unnecessarily hateful. Simon and Martina, although they’re known to parody and mock Kpop, always present their opinions in a fair and unbiased way. They go through what they think could be improved instead of bashing something for being bad, and they praise something tha they think is deserving of praise.
    And about the Hyuna thing… WHO CARES if they had a bet with their friend. If you watched the video, they never called Hyuna a stripper. Martina said that all the hate she got was unfair and Simon said she could do better. They NEVER put Hyuna down as a person and anyone who watched the video would’ve been able to see that was a joke. I’m totally Hyuna biased and nothing they said about her was out of line.
    Okay, about the ghetto thing… All I have to say is that if I saw something that I thought was ghetto, I would label it as such. For the majority of people, it has nothing to do with race. I’ve used ghetto around my black friends, they’ve used ghetto, where’s the problem?
    Don’t say they torture Spudgy. You clearly have no idea what torture means. They love that dog, so shut up. Seriously, that’s just uncool and a flatout lie.
    And really? Their logo? The “e” is deformed because it’s “eating” the “yk”.
    Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t mean they’re annoying to everyone. A TON of KPop fans love them. Deal with it. DON’T LIKE THEM, DON’T WATCH. It’s THEIR YouTube channel and THEIR website. Don’t go to the website and don’t click on their videos. Simple.
    I feel like you’re one of those people that goes around bashing Kpop groups. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but all this hate sounds sooo similar. Simple solution: Just avoid them. Don’t bash, it’s hurtful and unnecessary.

    • “Simon and Martina, although they’re known to parody and mock Kpop always present their opinions in a fair and unbiased way.” LOL NO. If they want to mock Kpop, they can mock Kpop. That’s fine. Call 2NE1 Ugly, I Don’t Care. I do think that their humour is mostly lame and that’s perfectly okay as well.

      All humans are biased in some ways. To say they aren’t is ignorant. I tend to notice that Simon and Martina like edgier music rather than something cutesy. That’s okay. I do too. However it’s not okay to pick on one girl for wearing a dress that is short when lots of other groups wear something similar. In fact if you watch BEG’s Sixth Sense Narsha’s outfit actually showed some more skin than Hyuna in Trouble Maker but they never ever complained about that. They shouldn’t be shaming Hyuna on what she wears. That is WRONG. It’s her body and she should have the freedom to wear what she wants.

      It doesn’t justify their actions because it was a bet. Like I said to someone earlier “How is making $20 a justification for doing something wrong? It isn’t. If I said “I bet no one will notice me punching this dude.” and when I punched him some guy told me it was wrong and I came back with ” It was a bet! I won some money!” Wouldn’t you think that was a jerk move on my part? It’s not a good justification.” Also I don’t care if how they expressed Hyuna the stripper, they still implied it.

      You can still be racist and have black friends. You can still be classist and have black friends. You can be married to a women and be a misogynist. You can be a women and be a misogynist. Just because you like Hyuna doesn’t mean you are incapable of slut-shaming her. It doesn’t matter.

      To say it’s not offensive because the people around you are ignorant is a dumb defense. It’s still offensive it’s just that you guys don’t care. Saying things like that is just an excuse to say offensive things without making yourself feel bad.

      It’s like T-aratards. T-ARA + retard. Retard is a slur on intellectually challenged people. Therefore it is not okay to say because it is putting those people down for something they can’t help. Now idiots will think this is clever and use it. Simon and Martina using it is bad enough but people will copy them.

      They should think about what they are saying and not block people, attack them and call them haters for trying to help them become better, less ignorant people.

      I was joking about them torturing their dog. They obviously love Spudgy very much but as I said I don’t understand the need for showing him every time dancing to something. It’s stupid, IMO. Animals aren’t play things. If you want a toy get a stuffed dog not a real one.

      Yeah I got that the E was eating the yk. I just said it looked like shit the way it was executed.

      Not everyone finds them annoying but a lot of people including me do find they can be that way. There’s nothing wrong with that. You are free to like them and I am free to dislike them. As I said I don’t particularly hate them and they do have their moments.

      I don’t have to like everything I experience. No one does. You didn’t like this entry I wrote and you stated so when you could have left after reading a sentence. I think that’s okay. I would prefer for people to talk with me then just leave or ignore what I am doing if they disagree.

      Nah. I don’t go around purposely flaming groups. Do I dislike certain group? Yes. However I also enjoy certain groups. I am not going to go out of my way to be nice. I am not that person. If I dislike something, I will say it. I love Shinee but I don’t blindly love everything they do however that doesn’t mean I hate them at all. I don’t believe that I should be expected to like everything. If I can properly justify why I dislike something instead of just flaming then I think that that’s fair.

    • I also disagree with your article.

      You have to remember that Simon and Martina run their channel to entertain their audiences. That essentially means sometimes they do blow things up, use language you find inappropriate or sometimes just be as blatant as possible.

      To be honest, I don’t think they said anything wrong in their troublemaker video that wasn’t backed up. They made it very clear they were unimpressed largely with the the music video director and Hyuna’s company for making her dress, dance and act in a way that undermines her talent as an artist. Hyuna is an amazing dancer and rapper, not to mention gorgeous, but instead of really highlighting these qualities her company has instead placed her in this ‘sex sells’ role.

      And for the record, she does look as though she is trying too hard. We aren’t just pointing a finger at Hyuna here, many companies do this to their talents to produce commercial success. Hyuna is just one example out of many, as you’ve pointed out in your gif of the two dancers. Nonetheless, there are equally as many singers who- instead of trying hard- are natural in portraying sexiness in their videos without pushing it to the extremes. Hyori is always effortless as are the Brown Eyed Girls because they aren’t forcing themselves to overact and instead are just natural.

      I’d also like to point out that Hyuna is only 20 whereas Narsha is 30. Hyori was 28 when she did U-Go-Girl- the video that very clearly inspired Bubble Pop.

      Hyuna is not being naturally sexy nor pulling it off with confidence. Its really clearly forced, otherwise they wouldn’t have to go to the extremes of putting her in such tight revealing clothes and forcing her to do overly suggestive dance moves. Take her age into account as well. If you’ve seen Hyuna’s interviews you’d know she has a lovely personality. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole ‘sexy’ thing is just her doing her best to fulfil her company’s desires. And that’s wrong. Yes, this sort of thing is seen everywhere in k-pop but even that’s a problem. Why pick on Hyuna? Because she’s is the most blatant and strongest example of this. Remember Change? She was probably only 17 when she made that video- still in high school- and was dressed to give the appearance of a sexy, older woman. No confidence there, just the usual money-making strategy.

      And again we aren’t blaming Hyuna. I want to make that clear. Like Simon and Martina said, she can do better than this, a lot better. Even more so, her company and directors can do much better.

      You are entitled to your own opinion and I understand this is your personal blog. But remember, if you are going to go flame someone on the internet; people will read it and will express their opinions. If you choose to make this blog public, then you are publicly flaming a couple that, as dorky as they are, are just doing their job the best they can and as honestly as they can. Yes they’re childish. So what? Who are you to insult them on a public platform? They’re just normal people so leave them alone. If you have something bad to say, just don’t say it. Or at the very least clean up your act a little more before you criticize someone so harshly. You may have argued why you hate them, but even that’s immature. Read your post title for goodness sake. And think a bit before you go about doing something like this to someone else again.

      I hope I made my point clear.

      • I do realize they do that stuff to attract fans. It doesn’t mean I have to approve of it, does it? No. Why should I have to leave them alone? They put theirselves out there. If I don’t like it I should be able to say so.
        They don’t have to be racist or slut-shame to do that. They don’t have to make fun of intellectually challenged people. If striving for equality makes me that bad of a person then whatever. There is a difference between that and making fun of someone. I cannot stress that enough. Is that your excuse for them using ghetto and T-aratard? Not good enough.

        It wan’t so much their video that pissed me off(although that was totally a SMH moment) but their response to that person who told them why what they did was wrong and making people fear speaking up by blocking anyone trying to correct them. That is an asshole move. They were in the wrong.

        I can’t say this any better than : People who are nice people as long as you don’t ever challenge their privilege or call them on their shit aren’t actually nice people. Just saying.

        Maybe you should back up and think about those things they said instead of blindly defending them. If you want to call me out on being rude yes I was. I’ll say that no problem. I’m an asshole. But why is it okay for them to say derogatory things? They are assholes too.

        I don’t expect you to like me or whatever but I just want you to understand why what they did was wrong. That is all. If they are such great people why when someone pointed out what they did was wrong and offensive did they get so defensive and compare it to “not liking a flavour of soda” when it’s much bigger than that and about fair treatment of humans? Is it truly that evil to want people to be treated without prejudice? Wouldn’t it have been nicer for them to apologize and re-edit the video because some people were offended? That would make them nice people not what they did.

        The thing is Hyuna shouldn’t be a scapegoat for people’s feelings towards the Korean entertainment industry/their problems with sexuality/their own insecurities. I don’t have with them expressing she is trying hard so much as the fact that they call her a stripper and tell her to get some pants and say she ruins the video. What is the point of the video anyway? To sell talent or sex? I don’t see why they were chosen if it was to show off their amazing skills as idols since they both can’t sing. As well the thing is they never ever bring this up at least in the videos I have watched. I never hear them talk about how try hard anyone else is or that someone is too sexy just Hyuna.

        Have I gone crazy? Is everyone in Kpop not wearing tight a revealing clothing? Are girls and guys younger than Hyuna in their early teens not doing this? Are guys not stripping in videos and thrusting the air? Are girls not swinging their hips shaking their tits in kpop? They actually do. ALL OF THE TIME. You know why? Sex sells. Hyuna isn’t even the most blatant example I’ve seen.

        And what exactly is wrong with selling sex? If it works for her then why not? She has a banging body. Why must we be so afraid of it? Lbr, idols aren’t just chosen for their voices or dance skills. I can give you a huge amount of untalented idols who are gorgeous and that is why they are idols. It’s because they are attractive.

  7. I’m going to jump back into the thread here, because I’ve read some things on here that are, quite frankly, deeply unsettling.
    Let’s begin:

    1: “And what exactly is wrong with selling sex? If it works for her then why not? [sic]”
    Holy god. This is wrong on so many levels. Sex is (or should be) an intimacy between two people who care about each other. Even if it’s casual, the people know and care about each other to some degree. Selling sex- or prostitution, to use the technical term -is a crime in my state, and my state isn’t even all that conservative. There is no dignity in prostitution. The two people who engage in it often know nothing and care very little about each other. It’s morally and ethically wrong. I honestly cannot believe you said something so ignorant and misogynistic. And you accused me of supporting misogyny a few posts back. Headdesk.

    2: “The thing is Hyuna shouldn’t be a scapegoat for other people’s feelings towards the Korean entertainment industry/their problems with sexuality/their own insecurities.”
    It’s more than just Hyuna- Hyuna is the face of the company. It’s the company, not Hyuna herself, that is marketing her in this way. Hyuna does what her directors tell her to do because she doesn’t want to lose her job as an entertainer. Simon and Martina made it clear that they were disappointed in the directors for telling Hyuna to act that way, not that they were disappointed in Hyuna for acting that way of her own accord. I myself feel like Hyuna could do better; I feel like she could have a little more respect for her own body and sexuality. I don’t feel like she is the one who is trying too hard to market her body- it’s the company who is trying too hard, and I think Simon and Martina were trying to bring this to light with no intention of flaming Hyuna.

    3: “I was joking about them torturing their dog.”
    French the llama. There are no words. Why did you write it if you were later going to say you didn’t mean it? You can never be completely honest in saying “just kidding.” If you said it, you meant it. Even though you now say you understand that they love Spudgy very much, you still meant what you said.

    4: “You can still be racist and have black friends. You can still be classist and have black friends. You can be married to a women [sic] and be a misogynist. You can be a women and be a misogynist [sic].”
    I suppose you can be racist/classist/misogynistic and still have friends/significant others who fall into the lines of your prejudices. But you will never have meaningful relationships with these people. All of the misogynists I know of are not able to have meaningful relationships with women because they women they date are aware of this prejudice and don’t want to deal with the hate and dominance of such a relationship. The same can be said for racists and classists having black friends- just because you’re “friends” with them doesn’t mean the relationship counts for anything. Also, as the Webster’s dictionary definition of “misogyny” is, and I quote, “the hatred of women by men,” it’s pretty impossible be a woman and be a misogynist.

    5: “Simon and Martina can’t be that stupid or ignorant. The only thing left is that they are thoughtless jerks.”
    Well, from what you’ve shown in this comment thread, you fall into the same category. I’m sure you’ve heard the old standby, “It takes one to know one.” You have spoken with flagrant disregard for logic and reason, allowing your emotion (i.e., your hatred of EYK) to take over. People who react based on emotion generally only care about themselves. Simon and Martina do not exist to please you or any other one person. Their website, their videos. They can say what they like, and this doesn’t necessarily mean they will always be politically correct or gentle about their opinions. If they feel something has to be said, they’ll say it. If you have a problem with what they say, don’t involve yourself with the problem. Hate only breeds hate.

    Here we go again: I’m expressing opinions. I’m not meaning to sound like a jerk, but some of what you have said in this comment thread really bothers me. Sorry for interjecting myself back into the conversation, but I felt like some things had to be said.

    • No problem. You can say anything you want here about anything I say at any time you feel like it. I’m not going to block you and I don’t want you to feel like you can’t.

      1. Your definition of sex isn’t everyone’s definition of sex. Some find sex to be a deep bond expressing each other’s love. Some people just want to have sex with someone they think is hot to get pleasure.

      What I meant to say is that not every female has a problem with be sexy. Some girls like it. Is the industry flawed and skewed? Yes. However maybe some women do like taking their clothes off or being sexy. That doesn’t mean that they are physically having sex with some dude or prostitutes. That does not mean they want to be prostitutes. Besides some woman genuinely like being porn stars or prostitutes. Not every girl is taken advantage of.

      If a girl wants to be a virgin for the rest of her life and wear very demure clothes she should be allowed to. If she wants to walk around wearing barely anything and having sex with a new guy every night she should be allowed to. Everyone is different and what makes them happy might differ.

      I think think at the end of the day if someone has no problem with flashing their abs or stomach or what have you then there is nothing wrong with it. However I don’t want you to think that I feel like everyone is comfortable with it because I don’t.

      I feel like sex is a great tool to get people interested in things and you might as well use it because it works. I sure do enjoy it. I like the girls being super sexy, that’s a big reason why I enjoy Kpop.

      2. I didn’t have a problem with what they said so much as the way they said it. I said she was trying hard too. Did I say she should get some pants? No. Plus I don’t think she ruins the video either. This is exactly what they were going for and she delivered. They weren’t trying to make a meaningful piece.

      3. I didn’t exactly mean it to the extent you think I meant it. Fine if you take it that way because I said it and I take full responsibility for the ways it can be seen. Perhaps there was better wording I could have used. I just have a problem with the fact that they clearly do unnecessarily play with their dog for the sake of humour. They should get a stuffed animal instead because animals aren’t toys. He’s an older dog as well.

      4. My bad. What I meant is you can still be a woman and hate women. You can be friends with someone and still have an attitude or say things that suggest you hate them because on some level you do. You regard them as a lesser person or whatever. What you do and say defines how you feel about things. If I say hateful things about black people, I hate them.

      I don’t know, I tend to disagree with what you have said a bit. I think in some instances you can have a loving relationship with an ignorant person. I know I do. However I do agree that most of these relationships won’t be the best. I think sometimes humans settle into something that feels comfortable but then realize the relationship wasn’t good.

      5. The thing is your stance only favours them. Had you never said anything like this I could probably take you and others stating the same thing more seriously.

      “Simon and Martina do not exist to please you or any other one person. Their website, their videos. They can say what they like, and this doesn’t necessarily mean they will always be politically correct or gentle about their opinions. If they feel something has to be said, they’ll say it. If you have a problem with what they say, don’t involve yourself with the problem. ”

      Now let me show you this:
      I do not exist to please you or any other one person. My website, my articles. I can say what I like, and this doesn’t necessarily mean I will always be politically correct or gentle about my opinions. If I feel something has to be said, I’ll say it. If you have a problem with what I say, don’t involve yourself with the problem.

      Why are you getting upset or whatever with me for doing the thing you are doing? I don’t care if you don’t like what I am saying, that’s perfectly fine. When you say this though it makes you look hypocritical and like you bend rules for Simon and Martina.

      I think if you disagree with someone or something you should say so. If someone is doing something that is wrong you or that you don’t approve of you should be allowed to express it but you have made it clear that you don’t think this way. So I am getting confused with what you are saying. Could you clarify for me a bit? Is there a grey area or am I missing something?

  8. With tags like, “assholes, Cut you in half with a Samurai, douchecanoes, dumbass, eatyourkimchi, force meme, hell hath no fury like me pissed off, ignorant whities, koreaboos, lol shut up, rant, shut up, simon and martina, stupid fucks, switching they and you like a boss, thankfully for them kpop fans are generally dumb as shit so they eat their humor up, try-hard, try-hards” and you’re the one complaining and asking us to expand why we say you’re a hater? And having “reasons” or explanations is not exactly “proof”.

    • I don’t know it’s like this for me. I think of a hater as someone with an irrational hatred of someone. I have my reasons and if you read through the comments you will see whay I mean. I didn’t deny I was harsh. Obviously any idiot can see I was. However I did compliment them and I don’t hate everything they do/did. If I truly hated them I wouldn’t have wrote anything about them because I would not have paid that much attention to them in the first place.

      I just think they started acting like entitled assholes and their videos have gone way downhill so yeah I will say that in my blog.

      Oh and “Cut you in half with a samurai” was something they said to poorly argue their point because they wouldn’t accept that they are ignorant privledged white people.

  9. Wow.. what is wrong with you (and everyone else that agrees with you)? It’s their freaking channel. LEAVE THEM ALONE. They are clearly entertaining people (hence why they get 50-100k views and have 150k subscribers on youtube). They are just voicing out their opinions. I’m sure they have the right to criticize K-pop. I’m Korean-Canadian and most of the things that Simon and Martina said are true…and a lot of Koreans think the same way (especially about Hyuna). Also, I like Kpop groups because they are talented, not because of their pretty faces (that’s just a bonus). Oh and btw.. people DO say ghetto as a joke. It’s funny how you take that seriously. Calm DOWN.

    BUT I do agree that they should’ve apologized about tagging “Hyuna the stripper.” That’s the only thing that bothered me.

    • I don’t have to leave them alone. I am clearly not harassing them all day long. I just wrote my opinion in my personal blog. I have the right to criticize them. If you don’t like it you should take your own advice. 🙂

      Listen I do agree that they do appeal to a certain audience but so does Twilight. Not everything popular is good.

      Most groups are not that talented though. Good dancers but that is usually as far as it goes. Most can’t sing, listen to an MR removed thing. You might like them for their talent because no doubt there are people in Kpop who are decent but for the most part people don’t care. People love Dara, Sohee, Goo Hara and they are terrible singers.

      I don’t care if people think Hyuna is too sexy. That wasn’t the issue. Good you do realize it was wrong of them to call her a stripper. At least they took that down.

      Oh and I don’t care how many people use ghetto. It doesn’t make it right. By your logic I could go out and kidnap and kill some kids because if a few people do it that makes it okay.

  10. dude, that’s wow deep.
    I actually like when simon and martina are being like jerks(?) then. When i saw Hyunas Bubble pop i actually thought the same things that simon and martina said. When you listen a Kpop song the first thing you notice (as a international listener) is the horrible or good english. Their videos are fun and on their WANKS:
    Just because i went to live to USA for a few years doesn’t mean i want to know the whole history of it.
    I actually like when they say something they don’t like about the place because then you know they are not saying “OH this pizza is soooo good” when it’s horrible.
    It’s just an opinion.
    Dont take it so serious chill.

    • I didn’t like the way they said it and acted afterwards when people got offended. Do I believe that Hyuna is highly sexualized? Yes. Do I think that that probably is not who she is? Yes. Do I think it’s okay to call her a stripper or shame her for the amount of clothing she has on her body? No.

      Plus a lot of girls and guys in Kpop do things that are just as sexy but never get called out for it.

      Yeah that is fine if you prefer the less educational side of things for them. Different people will like different things.

  11. Could you at least try to write coherently? I failed to understand what you tried to write most of the time and could only pick up a few things. Take a class on writing please because you really come off as someone that isn’t a native English speaker.

    And Simon + Martina handled that situation perfectly well. They were dealing with an over-excited idiot (yes, an extremely emotional idiot) that doesn’t seem to have a frontal lobe for they can’t even grasp onto the simplest ideas brought up by Simon and Martina. S+M were extremely calm when they wrote the piece, providing fantastic evidence for each claim they brought up, all while keeping their cool. That’s more than one can say for you, mon ami.

    And you sound just as irritating as the person causing this trouble by showing off their ignorance through their annoying, childish rant. You fail to bring up anything to use against them (ie

    • Martina looks like a dumbass when she tries to be cute) and you only hurt your position by making stupid statements (ie: they torture their dog. You’ve got to be kidding me. I volunteer at animal shelters and I am a member of PETA, so I’ve got quite an understanding of what torture is after seeing the animals I help. What you’ve said is just so absurd that it makes me wonder if you’ve ever even seen the real world).

      And lol at ghetto- ghetto (and this is what you’ll find in history books+dictionaries) is a term used to describe a poor area where one group of people/ethnicity live. Where are they saying negative things about one specific group of people? Maybe the equipment signify something for you that we just aren’t at a level of comprehending??

      I will respong with the rest later. I’ve an education to go through and maybe you should too. Then, you’ll have just as much insight as I have to offer and better the world with, although it seems quite unlikely at this point


    • I do wrote coherently though. I wouldn’t get a lot of people coming to my site complimenting me on my writing if I didn’t. I address everyone’s points in detail. It’s not my fault that you are too dumb or too butthurt to understand what I’m saying. Even if most people here think I went overboard they are not ignoring my valid points for the sake of Simon and Martina. You are making yourself look pathetic.

      And no they didn’t address it properly and that person wrote a very nice article. Please tell why having a bet justifies calling a girl a stripper? Why did they said everyone in Canada has no problem with the word ghetto and we all use it? I am Canadian and I can tell you that is certainly not true at all. T-aratard? Is it funny to make fun of people who suffer all of their lives who never ever did anything to Simon and Martina? Haha hilarious. Simon and Martina are amazing people.

      All they wanted was an apology. Just for them to say “I am wrong.” Instead they got a horribly backed up defensive spew of bullshit.

      I still think it’s pathetic to delete replies and ignore them. Why do that if they are right? I can keep talking to people because I know I am right. I roll my eyes at some of the replies like yours I get here but that doesn’t mean I delete it and block people from my website. You know why? It’s because I can take what I give and even if I think people are ignorant or wrong I am willing to try to help them. I believe that they should be able to speak. Now there’s a difference between saying “Simon and Martina are fucking morons.” and “I have a long list of problems with what you said.” Some people are column A and if they just flamed them outright then maybe I could see them possibly deleting those comments but the legit ones, nope. The fact that they can’t take someone thinking they did something that was mean and bullied them into submission is sad . After all no one is perfect. Thankfully they have no say on most parts of the Internet.

      If you are going insult me for overreacting or not being calm then uh maybe you shouldn’t be doing the same damn thing.

      She’s not though. She tries too hard. I never said she was ugly(because she’s not) so calm down. If you ever watched their videos (which I will assume you do) you will notice that Martina was way less cutesy at first. So yes it does seem fake and she seems very burikko.

      I was joking about the dog thing. Obviously they don’t beat or neglect their dog and they love him. However their dog is tortured by breathing Simon and Martina’s air because they are terrible people . n____~

      You care about animals and are a member of PETA? Guuuuurrrrrllll. That is an oxymoron. If you truly cared about them you wouldn’t be a member of that piece of shit PETA who actually kill animals. They shit on the good work that the decent societies do by making them all look crazy and less legitimate when they just want fairer treatment of animals . I hope you aren’t trolling. Seriously you need to google PETA and you will see how bad they are or or Wikipedia.

      Look up derogatory in your dictionary. What does it say? It’s basically any word used to put down a group of people. Whether they are women, black or in this case poor.
      Sometimes people born into these situations might try to reclaim the word because they don’t want it used against them because it’s hurtful. It’s clear that Simon and Martina were not reclaiming this word and they used it on something that was less than perfect or not the ideal, cheap. This insinuates that people who live in places like that themselves are not as good as people who are richer than them. It’s not a compliment to these people at all therefore you shouldn’t use it.

      “And lol at ghetto- ghetto (and this is what you’ll find in history books+dictionaries) is a term used to describe a poor area where one group of people/ethnicity live. Where are they saying negative things about one specific group of people? ”

      Where did they use ghetto as a compliment? Point it out to me. You can’t say they didn’t use it negatively when they did. They didn’t use it in a positive manner. If you are telling me ghetto means something different than what they used it for(a place where poor people who are traditionally treated badly live vs. a poorly constructed item) then why are they even placing ghetto there? Doesn’t that seem strange to you? It doesn’t make sense.

      You can read this for more information if you don’t get what I am saying about ghetto. It’s an amazing article and it elaborates into the subject more eloquently than I could.

      “Ghetto,” when used colloquially as an adjective, is the most racist, derogatory word in the common lexicon, given its so subtle insinuations and layers. Employed to mean “uncouth,” “unruly,” or “parvenu,” “ghetto” is the most popular, new code word to stigmatize blacks.

      Referring to unacceptable behaviors as “ghetto” clearly links those behaviors to “the ghetto,” where the bulk of black people in this country happen to live. Using inductive logic, which we often do, that means behaving inappropriately can be equated with behaving black. Furthermore, even though many, if not most, people don’t realize it, when one associates “the ghetto” with deviant behaviors, through contrast he is simultaneously associating normal, standard, or acceptable behavior with the suburbs, its antithesis. As a test, ask yourself, what does it mean to act “suburban,” if acting “ghetto” means unruly, etc?

      Ghettos certainly do not have a monopoly on deviance and unacceptable behavior, nor do suburbs have a monopoly on sophistication, manners, and civility. Thus, the colloquial usage of “ghetto” perpetuates racist mythology and also mischaracterizes the majority of people that, by definition, live in the ghetto, since most of them don’t act “ghetto.”

      “Ghetto,” derived from the Italian word for the island where Jews were forced to live in Venice (“gheto”), means “a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure” according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. Formerly a term that evoked sympathy, people use it now to mock and stigmatize. It’s no coincidence that when Jews and Italians, having achieved economic success, emigrated from the central cities and black folks moved in, ghetto’s connotation changed. Ghettoes used to be places where downtrodden, isolated minorities used to work hard to achieve the American dream for their children. Now, in the conception of our nation, including black folks (sad to say), instead of persevering and ambitious, ghetto people are shiftless, criminal, and materialistic.

      It seems like everyone has a story to illustrate what “ghetto” is: Shaquequay from down the block with two, different baby daddies, who went to the club last Friday and spent her last $100 for her section-8 rent on drinks; or Jerome, unemployed, who plays PlayStation2 all day and keeps leeching off his baby momma to smoke weed and go to the strip club with his boys. Of course these stories exist, but in comparison how many other people in the hood are doing their best to remain upright and strive for better? The word “ghetto” as an adjective doesn’t specify though, it necessarily labels all of us, every urban resident, since the noun version accurately refers to where we live. “Ghetto” also belies the reality that ghetto dwellers themselves criticize so-called “ghetto” behaviors like those above. For example, most people that live in the hood hate when teenagers talk fully animated, at high decibel in the back of the bus, or when folks curse gratuitously in public.

      More importantly, what is the word for white people that are uncouth, etc? We have “ghetto” to describe the catty, cacophonous, neck-rolling arguments that some black women get into, but no word to describe it when white girls get inebriated and put their private parts on exhibit for the public, a la “Girls Gone Wild.” We have “ghetto” to describe the loud, truculent altercations that black men get into with one another outside of nightclubs or parties sometimes, but no word to describe the drunken brawls that white boys participate in just as often. We have “ghetto” to describe “boosters” that steal clothes from retail stores, then resell the merchandise, but no word to describe the more affluent, savvy white men that cheat on their income taxes, or run away with their employees’ pensions, a la Enron.

      There are definitely terms like “hick” and “poor, white trash” that whites use intra-racially to describe deviants amongst themselves. In contrast though, these still only apply to individuals, not to numerous, geographic areas, in which the bulk of the race resides! (Imagine what effect on the perception of white people an insidious stigma about the suburbs would have.) Nothing about either term makes a blanket generalization about white people, while the relationship between “ghetto” and black folks is indelible.

      Evidence of this relationship is the commonality of statements like, “You can be black and not be ghetto,” which sounds a hell of a lot like the formerly popular, “You can be black and not be a nigger.” People even make comments like “ghetto-ass, white boy.” The first remark obviously insinuates black people are usually “ghetto,” or at least that people that are “ghetto” are usually black. The latter obviously insinuates that white boys, and white people in general, usually aren’t “ghetto,” since the identification, “white boy,” is necessary to complete the description. Indeed, if ten people heard someone refer to someone else as “ghetto ass,” at least nine out of ten would assume the person referred to was black, unless otherwise specified.

      The irony about “ghetto,” when used as an adjective, is that black folk that live in the ghetto conceived it themselves. When the adjective became popular in the mid-90s, ghetto residents originally used it to poke fun at the absurd, depressing situation that is living in the inner city and/or to describe ingenuity and resourcefulness – e.g. using a milk crate as a basketball hoop or a hangar as a TV antenna. At some point, the definition in the hood expanded to comically, somewhat affectionately, refer to the quirky, rebellious, and desperate behaviors that poverty stimulates. As a consequence of the popularization and exploitation of hip-hop culture, along with the changed complexion of inner cities (described earlier), the tone has changed drastically from comical and endearing to contemptuous and mocking.

      Now groups that are outside of hip-hop, but still consume it ravenously, (i.e. uppity black folk, Asians, and whites), in the effort to “be down,” chime in using the term as a means to say “inferior,” “inappropriate,” “unacceptable,” “uncouth,” and a host of other negatives. Often they employ it to describe stuff they do too, like showing up late to work, but laughingly assign to “riff-raff,” like the “lower economic blacks” Bill Cosby was talking about. The word has been co-opted and morphed to the point that ghetto people now use it to distinguish themselves from one another. But what else is new? Definitely not black folks’ ridicule and criticism of each other for white approval, or the mainstream’s seizure of something, which marginalized blacks conceived to mitigate their plight, for profit and the convenient exploitation of its creators.

  12. Are you Hyuna or her mother??? Why do you care so much about someone’s opinion??? So what if they called her a SLUT. Are they calling you a SLUT. Hop off Hyuna’s pussy, build a bridge and get over it.

    • I’m neither but I don’t like words which affect everyone in a negative way. They also did other things I didn’t like.

      No one made you come here or read this. Why do YOU care so much about MY opinion??? This is my personal blog and if you are going to complain about me being butthurt then maybe you should shut the fuck up and stop white knighting. Simon and Martina are adults and can fight their own battles. They don’t need you to defend them. Why don’t you follow your own advice and hop off Simon’s dick and Martina’s pussy, build a bridge and get over it. 🙂

  13. Just so you know, you’re not the only one who dislikes them. I seriously find them annoying. I don’t think they are funny; they just look pathetic and like a pair of over the top koreaboos. I don’t watch their videos because they make me really irritated. Whenever they want to look funny or witty, they just take something out of Korean popculture and present it in a skewed way that suits their comedic purposes.

    And whenever an idol or celebrity doesn’t fit their idea of what “manliness” means, then they make fun of them or make some lame remark like ‘oh, the group is too cutesy, i’m going to get diabetes.’

  14. ‘Ghetto’ is not a racist term.

    “Ghetto is derogatory. It is a racist and classist slur meant to put down black and/or poor people. The reason you and your friends use it is that it has been brought down to be slang for something that is cheap. However even if it is commonplace it is still wrong to do and makes people feel bad. It’s kind of the same way people say “That’s gay.” It’s to use gay as a replacement word for bad or lame to reinforce that gay people are that. You never will hear “That’s so straight.” because straight people are treated well and privileged in society.”

    Derogatory? Yes. Classist? Maybe slightly. Racist? No. Ghettos started out as being neighborhoods for Jews, who unlessare being fucked with by whatever current regime (and even then not always), are usually a very wealthy and educated people. Ghettos exist all over the world, filled with all different colors of people, from white to black. White Americans live in ghettos just as black Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans live in them. It’s not a racist term.

    BTW I’m gay, and I dislike when people say ‘gay’ to mean ‘stupid.’ But still, ‘ghetto’ is not a racist term. ‘Chink’, ‘gook’, ‘nigger’, ‘cracker’, ‘Kyke’…these are all racist terms. ‘Ghetto’, though, is not. I have used it most of my life with friends from all racial and class backgrounds, and I’ve never had a problem, and no one has ever accused me of being racist because of my use of the term.

  15. Despite the hate/flames you’ve gotten, I really do agree with your points. Also, this post just reminded me why I actively avoid eatyourkimchi stans/videos.

  16. Like some people I find your post to be quite hateful towards eyk. I’m not a big fan of them or anything. I do occasionally watch their videos because I think they are fun and informative to some level. Don’t get me wrong, I do agree with some of your reasoning, especially the whole deal about using “ghetto”. However, I notice that you seem to dislike them and as a result you hate everything they do. I mean, isn’t it unfair that you want to punch Martina repeatedly because she acts cute? That’s personal and was not necessary. Also, the fact that you swear a lot might offend some people too, no? Maybe not as offensive as the term ghetto as per your explanation, but if eyk were reading this they might get offended too. So that’s kind of hypocritical. My point is your article on Simon and Martina is kind of biased. Anyways, I admire you for being level headed when replying to the comments people leave behind. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  17. I completely agree with you. a lot of my friends watch their videos and love them but i seriously can’t even watch an entire video because i find them unfunny and irritating and theyre try-hards. It’s nice to know someone wlse feels the same as me 😛

  18. It’s fine to spread your opinion; that’s what they do! Honestly, I find their videos super entertaining and actually fairly informative. I would like to comment though that their quirks and the stuff they come up with; that is who they are, and they should not have to change to please anyone else. Also, ghetto, I agree with them. I don’t think it is racist. Everyone, no matter what their race, uses the word ghetto as an adjective meaning cheap / broken where I live in the US. I was unaware people think it’s racist because no one I’ve ever spoken with has had a problem with it. As for the bet in the tag, it was immature, but people on the Internet always tend to overreact. Since I’ve noticed people get slandered for stating their opinions, I would like you to know that I’m not bashing you, just giving my opinions. Honestly, I think they wouldn’t have had to respond like that if people would comment intelligently and politely instead of letting their emotions get the best of them and cursing up a storm.

  19. Dude you are lame! Lighten up hun they are entertaining and educating people about the fun things to do in Korea, if people wanted to see a damn documentary they’d watch something else. Sorry but I’m going to label you with a huge gigantic hater tag, now get a life and stop worrying about what these two are doing. I can’t even believe I posted a comment on here, you don’t even deserve a damn comment! I hate haters the most… fuck.. iight I’m done.

  20. About kpop-mondays (I think that’s the name). I don’t even like the videos where they praise my favorite songs,and that’s because they praise the songs in an idiotic and immature way. They always act silly,cute and all that. Their jokes may appeal to very young girls, but I’m a matured guy and I can’t get into their silly jokes. I’m not watching the show, but I get to hear many of their so called jokes , because after they upload the episodes, hundreds of people will come to the original kpop MV and they’ll write the very same jokes. Leaving away the fact that it’s stupid to post the same joke over and over especially since you clearly see that other 500 people wrote it before you, I noticed that the jokes are always soo silly and never funny, Simon and Martina have a very ignorant fanbase.

  21. OH MY GOSH. I love you for this. That was amazing! Thanks for this well-written argument. I completely agree with this and thought I was the only one who didn’t exactly think they were the best people on earth. Yeah, my opinion is summarized in this^.

  22. Just like you are expressing your opinions on your own website, they have the right to express what they want on their videos and such. So maybe their material doesn’t appeal to you, get over it, there are tons of people out there who also don’t like them. They make fun of mv and idols not in a bad way they do it for humor because that’s entertaining to people but at the same time they still respect kpop idols. I’m sure if they were really hating and making fun of kpop to the point where it got out of hand, they wouldn’t have moved to Korea to teach English. If they didn’t like kpop, then why move to the place where it originated. Also, their point about Hyuna is very true. And saying something is ghetto, when has that ever been such a big problem? the term ghetto now refers to an overcrowded urban area often associated with specific ethnic or racial populations living below the poverty line. In the ghetto you would most likely find very cheap run down places with families living of the cheapest quality items. So saying something is ghetto is not refering to a person, but rather a way of living. So it is in no way racist, even people who come from the ghetto say this and that is ghetto. Your just making so much more of a big deal about it then it needs to be. So what if they block people who come to hate on them? That’s perfectly reasonable. Would you want someone constantly posting on your channel about how much you suck at something? How is blocking childish? The option is there for a reason. So really, all you are is just another hater of the million that are out there that no one really cares about. 😀

    • Yes but my audience is intelligent and doesn’t defend me no matter what. I also try my best not to make derogatory comments and if I do slip up I expect people to correct me.

      If my material doesn’t appeal to you then get over it. There are plenty of people who loved this article. See how stupid that looks? I don’t have to like everything in life. If I don’t like it I am free to say so. Just like you are doing now to me. Don’t be a hypocrite.

      Oh so you are cool with slut shaming. I should have know.

      And see there you are saying ghettos are full of poor people with cheap things. This says nothing about those people as human beings. You are seeing them first as the amount of money they earn rather than their intelligence or thoughts. That is wrong. And making fun of them for being poor is wrong too. It’s disgusting, not funny.

      I get people telling me horrible shit all of the time but you know what? I suck it up and deal with it and approach them from a logical standpoint. That way they have to argue with me or leave. If they lack the logic to argue about a certain subject than they usually leave or when their points fall through. I know that S&M probably would spend days at this so maybe not the best option but I do think that blocking people is childish. Not everyone in the world should kiss someone’s ass and criticism often does not equal hate.

      Actually lots of people care about me. I get a decent amount of views per day and lots of comments from lovely people like you. Thanks for caring.

  23. While In don’t agree with everything in this post, I’ll have to agree that they should always keep in mind that they need to: “Be nice to those who are considerate enough to look at your videos. Be happy and thankful they take the time to do so because they like what you do.” Just as you said. A Youtuber I follow went out of his way to buy a bouncy castle for his 1 million subscriber video because his fans requested it, to me that was an overly kind gesture but a much appreciated one. It showed that he really appreciated those who watch his stuff.

    Simon also makes me laugh more than Martina but the way you wrote about that came across almost too negative to me. While it would have seemed odd to sugar-coat what you disliked about the way she acts, I still found it almost too harsh to read without wincing, and I believe it was like this for anyone regardless or whether they are neutral or have a general dislike towards her.

    Aside from that you explained your opinion and for that I am grateful. It wasn’t purely bashing them, you certainly had your reasons for being mad and you elaborated on them. Thank you for that.

  24. I just want to say that…its prejudice/racist to think that ghetto is automatically associated with black people when the word actually originated during the Jewish Holocaust era. I find it deplorable that you would even think that the word has anything to do with us blacks when its original meaning was to describe a run down neighborhood of people who were left poor and destitute and ridiculed and humiliated. That word is solely connected to poverty and Simon and Martina used it in its correct context.

    • Uh no. It can be associated with racism.

      I would advise you to read this:

      “”Ghetto,” when used colloquially as an adjective, is the most racist, derogatory word in the common lexicon, given its so subtle insinuations and layers. Employed to mean “uncouth,” “unruly,” or “parvenu,” “ghetto” is the most popular, new code word to stigmatize blacks.

      Referring to unacceptable behaviors as “ghetto” clearly links those behaviors to “the ghetto,” where the bulk of black people in this country happen to live. Using inductive logic, which we often do, that means behaving inappropriately can be equated with behaving black. Furthermore, even though many, if not most, people don’t realize it, when one associates “the ghetto” with deviant behaviors, through contrast he is simultaneously associating normal, standard, or acceptable behavior with the suburbs, its antithesis. As a test, ask yourself, what does it mean to act “suburban,” if acting “ghetto” means unruly, etc?

      Ghettos certainly do not have a monopoly on deviance and unacceptable behavior, nor do suburbs have a monopoly on sophistication, manners, and civility. Thus, the colloquial usage of “ghetto” perpetuates racist mythology and also mischaracterizes the majority of people that, by definition, live in the ghetto, since most of them don’t act “ghetto.”

      “Ghetto,” derived from the Italian word for the island where Jews were forced to live in Venice (“gheto”), means “a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure” according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. Formerly a term that evoked sympathy, people use it now to mock and stigmatize. It’s no coincidence that when Jews and Italians, having achieved economic success, emigrated from the central cities and black folks moved in, ghetto’s connotation changed. Ghettoes used to be places where downtrodden, isolated minorities used to work hard to achieve the American dream for their children. Now, in the conception of our nation, including black folks (sad to say), instead of persevering and ambitious, ghetto people are shiftless, criminal, and materialistic.

      It seems like everyone has a story to illustrate what “ghetto” is: Shaquequay from down the block with two, different baby daddies, who went to the club last Friday and spent her last $100 for her section-8 rent on drinks; or Jerome, unemployed, who plays PlayStation2 all day and keeps leeching off his baby momma to smoke weed and go to the strip club with his boys. Of course these stories exist, but in comparison how many other people in the hood are doing their best to remain upright and strive for better? The word “ghetto” as an adjective doesn’t specify though, it necessarily labels all of us, every urban resident, since the noun version accurately refers to where we live. “Ghetto” also belies the reality that ghetto dwellers themselves criticize so-called “ghetto” behaviors like those above. For example, most people that live in the hood hate when teenagers talk fully animated, at high decibel in the back of the bus, or when folks curse gratuitously in public.

      More importantly, what is the word for white people that are uncouth, etc? We have “ghetto” to describe the catty, cacophonous, neck-rolling arguments that some black women get into, but no word to describe it when white girls get inebriated and put their private parts on exhibit for the public, a la “Girls Gone Wild.” We have “ghetto” to describe the loud, truculent altercations that black men get into with one another outside of nightclubs or parties sometimes, but no word to describe the drunken brawls that white boys participate in just as often. We have “ghetto” to describe “boosters” that steal clothes from retail stores, then resell the merchandise, but no word to describe the more affluent, savvy white men that cheat on their income taxes, or run away with their employees’ pensions, a la Enron.

      There are definitely terms like “hick” and “poor, white trash” that whites use intra-racially to describe deviants amongst themselves. In contrast though, these still only apply to individuals, not to numerous, geographic areas, in which the bulk of the race resides! (Imagine what effect on the perception of white people an insidious stigma about the suburbs would have.) Nothing about either term makes a blanket generalization about white people, while the relationship between “ghetto” and black folks is indelible.

      Evidence of this relationship is the commonality of statements like, “You can be black and not be ghetto,” which sounds a hell of a lot like the formerly popular, “You can be black and not be a nigger.” People even make comments like “ghetto-ass, white boy.” The first remark obviously insinuates black people are usually “ghetto,” or at least that people that are “ghetto” are usually black. The latter obviously insinuates that white boys, and white people in general, usually aren’t “ghetto,” since the identification, “white boy,” is necessary to complete the description. Indeed, if ten people heard someone refer to someone else as “ghetto ass,” at least nine out of ten would assume the person referred to was black, unless otherwise specified.

      The irony about “ghetto,” when used as an adjective, is that black folk that live in the ghetto conceived it themselves. When the adjective became popular in the mid-90s, ghetto residents originally used it to poke fun at the absurd, depressing situation that is living in the inner city and/or to describe ingenuity and resourcefulness – e.g. using a milk crate as a basketball hoop or a hangar as a TV antenna. At some point, the definition in the hood expanded to comically, somewhat affectionately, refer to the quirky, rebellious, and desperate behaviors that poverty stimulates. As a consequence of the popularization and exploitation of hip-hop culture, along with the changed complexion of inner cities (described earlier), the tone has changed drastically from comical and endearing to contemptuous and mocking.

      Now groups that are outside of hip-hop, but still consume it ravenously, (i.e. uppity black folk, Asians, and whites), in the effort to “be down,” chime in using the term as a means to say “inferior,” “inappropriate,” “unacceptable,” “uncouth,” and a host of other negatives. Often they employ it to describe stuff they do too, like showing up late to work, but laughingly assign to “riff-raff,” like the “lower economic blacks” Bill Cosby was talking about. The word has been co-opted and morphed to the point that ghetto people now use it to distinguish themselves from one another. But what else is new? Definitely not black folks’ ridicule and criticism of each other for white approval, or the mainstream’s seizure of something, which marginalized blacks conceived to mitigate their plight, for profit and the convenient exploitation of its creators.

      Harold M. Clemens is a staff writer for We The Voices magazine. He also blogs regularly at Ghetto Uprising.”

  25. Anyone who watches their videos will see that they’re not racist or sexist or anything like that. You’re ranting and raving about them and telling them to fuck off and etc…. um, why? What is wrong with you? They are who they are, a dorky couple who are pretty intelligent and they don’t seem racist at all. Look, they’re not hating kpop or anyone, you’re hating them. Your rant and hate will do nothing to them. You’ll only annoy yourself. Calm down.

      • it is much easier to hate on other people when you don’t have to show your own face to the public. Go on, make some videos. Lets see how far you will get in the youtube world. While you rant about S&M and how they are so cruel to there dog, (just…what? is that the best you could come up with? How pathetic.) and how their wanks suck (i completely dissagree with you there, they are awsome! i learned so much about korea from them!) they will be interviewing kpop idols and making youtube money like bosses, while you hide your insecurities behind an annonymous username.

  26. LOL I’m not even going to bother saying anything. Do you not realize that you are wasting your time bullshitting and ranting to the internet about two amazing people on youtube? Sure, you may not like them, but things like “Simon and Martina you can fuck off” are way beyond objective perspective. In fact, you’re almost personally hating on them. I have no idea what or why you’re doing this, but the fact that you are shows that you have a ton of free time to hate on people. Why not channel that hatred into doing something productive. LMAO look at how many haters you have now. Because you freely expressed your opinion without any type of guideline. You’ve crossed the fucking boundary. If you think that you can do any better than them, then why don’t you make videos if you’re so good.

    • But you did say something. And if you think people who waste their time “hating” on someone are pathetic then why are you even posting a comment here? It’s hypocritical.

      • That’s very ironic because you’re the one being hypocritical. You’re wasting your time talking shit about two people doing what they love to do- and look at you now. All you be gettin is hate. Good luck man you’ll need it.

      • Actually I have gotten a lot of love too. And you are wasting your time commenting on this post. You are just as pathetic as you think I am.

  27. You’re so… odd. I read each and every one of your posts, and I can’t seem to pinpoint it. It’s like you can’t stand hypocrisy and yet you’re full of it. It’s just so jarring that you criticize others for offensive things that you’ve said, and yet when someone criticizes your opinion or if I thought differently, I would automatically be blamed as a Simon/Martina sympathizer/lame koreaboo/racist/misogynistic/animal torturing/fiend.
    I feel as though you’re working too hard to justify your hatred.
    Someone should recruit you to work for a campaign that actually matters, however.

    • How so? I think I have been pretty consistent.

      -My opinions are harsh and I have never denied that. I am a harsh and blunt person.

      -Simon and Martina= annoying

      -I can watch whatever I want( I no longer watch their videos because I do not want to help pay them and who knows what horrible shit they are saying now.)and don’t have to like it. If I don’t like it I feel I am free to say so.

      -I’m not going to kiss someone’s ass and agree with someone’s opinion if I don’t agree with it. If I think someone is wrong then I will tell them so.

      -I have no problem with S&M having an opinion. They should be allowed to dislike whatever if they want and feel bad for them having to deal with batshit fans if S&M say they don’t like the release. I just don’t want them going around saying retard and other stupid shit.

      -If more than a few people find a word racist well then guess what? It is.

      – They have a fan base that is impressionable and they should know better than to act like that.

      – If a person is an idiot, call them out for it. However DON’T hate someone for their skin colour or whatever. There’s a BIG difference.

      -People are free to say whatever here. I am not going to block them if they say hateful things about me or disagree with my opinion. I am not going to force them to shut up by threatening to block them. I don’t like when people do that. Again I still will say I don’t agree with what they are saying.

      I’m sorry if you wanted someone who coddled commenters. I am not that person and you will never see me do that.

  28. Look, I told you why I thought you were odd, so don’t “How so?” me if I give a perfectly clear explanation. If you need a further explanation, then obviously you don’t see the point, and are projecting your own frustrations out onto me. It seems to me like you take things a little too personally – which, this is your blog, you’re allowed to and all. I’m just saying that sometimes a little understanding and thought about how others perceive things and how YOU perceive things differently goes a long way. I don’t agree with your opinions, but I would at least respect them if in your original post you didn’t completely flame, curse offensively, and post blatant falsehoods, like “torturing their dog”. Yeah, I get a dog isn’t a “plaything” but you can still play with your dog. The poor thing was in a shelter for long enough, I’d say he’s glad to get all of the attention and love that they lavish on him.
    Honestly, I feel like you could use some love too. You’re sounding a teensy bit bitter.
    (Oh, and since this TOO is MY opinion, go ahead and argue against it if you must, just use actual logic as a basis next time).

    • I know you don’t want me to treat them like that. You don’t like that I am harsh. I get that. You just don’t seem to realize that I don’t care about pleasing you or being nice. Again I am not going to make a Sesame Street version for anyone. That is not the way I am. I won’t magically change myself for you. Fine if you don’t like it.

      I don’t think I am bitter. Bitter to me again implies that I am enraged and jealous. I dont think I am jealous. I also am not furious or anything. I am just relaxing on my couch talking to you.

      Maybe what you are looking for to describe my behavior is condescending? That would definitely apply.

  29. I’d type up a 20 page analysis on why I disagree with some of the things mentioned in your blog post, but from what I see, most of those things have already been pointed out.
    Yes, the “U JUST MADE M3 M0NEYZ” was childish, as well as them blocking people who were against them (but then again, that part isn’t fact since you said that you HEARD, as in rumor, that they did it, so…arguement invalid[?]). But then again, I believe that they didn’t really do THAT much in the first place. Okay, the Hyuna stripper tag was out of line. But aside from that, the ghetto reference or the “slut-shaming”, as you call it, wasn’t that big of a deal for me. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the term ‘ghetto’ is thrown around pretty loosely where I am.
    For instance, I use to call thrift stores ‘ghetto’, mostly because they had cheap (in money, not quality) clothing. I’ve never heard of ‘ghetto’ being associated with African Americans or racism up until now. But then again, everyone’s definition or interpretation of slang words are different, so I can’t call true or false on this one.
    Also, with the Hyuna thing, I actually agree with them on that part. She has the potential to be very sexy, but those darn producers are just squeezing every last drop of sex appeal out of her. It didn’t seem to me that they were bashing Hyuna or anything along those lines, it was more or less directed to the producers, since they’re the ones in charge of all those things. And again, this is all based on interpretation so I can’t say much.
    In my opinion, it just depends on how you interpret the situation. When I first saw the video, I didn’t think much of it until I heard that they put up a Hyuna stripper tag.
    And also, “Kpop is pretty much mindless, vapid aesthetics all based on profits, appeal, and trends. Don’t sit there and act like Hyuna is “ruining” anything.” That comment alone made me lose any respect for whoever Simon and Martina was arguing with. Though I can admit that yes, being the entertainment industry that K-Pop is, looks play a huge role, however CLEARLY this person has never heard of:
    1 Appreciation from respect
    2) Park Bom or IU or Ailee or Daehyun or Jonghyun or Changmin or Jo Kwon or Hyorin or Eunji or Luna or Kyuhyun or Yoseob or G.O. or Hongki or Eru etc.
    Either way, you’re opinion is still cool and you can do whatever you want on your blog. I’m not gonna give you a lecture on why you shouldn’t hate on them because that’s your business. Sorry for the uber late comment that pretty much says the same thing as everyone else.

  30. wow ur an asshole -_- if you hate them (which you do) u need to calm the hell down, stop watching their videos, mind ur own business and get A FRIGGIN LIFE!!!

  31. I so agree with you. Not in ANY case is it okay to even make a remotely negative comment on a woman’s clothing or how she is ‘presenting herself’. People who are disagreeing with you are either highly uneducated or does not have ANY idea of how it feels when someone makes a negative comment on what you are wearing or if you are being ‘too sexy’. Hell, if she got raped I bet these people would say she was asking for it. SMH.

  32. Well, for one, I agree with you that the money thing was immature of Simon and Martina, but you weren’t exactly mature with your picture after 4.

    However, ghetto is not a racist term. It means that something is old and trashy. I really would like to know where you got the conclusion that ghetto is a racist term.

    As for slut-shaming Hyuna, I thought that Simon and Martina made it fairly clear that they weren’t faulting Hyuna for anything. They were faulting her entertainment company for making her act sexy.

    As for 99.9% of K-Pop being overly seductive, which bands or groups do you listen to? Yes, there are some groups out there that are extremely proactive, like the Brown Eyed Girls, but saying 99.9% of K-Pop is like that is unfair.

    K-Pop idols are at least somewhat talented. Yes, I admit looks do matter quite a bit in the K-Pop world, but to put up a video of Rain doing that is taking one small moment out. I’m sure you can find videos of Rain doing a complicated or impressive dance routine.

    Now, for your descriptions of the Simon and Martina videos. Those descriptions you put up are really bashing. Simon acts “sexy” because he’s imitating and making a parody out of it. Maybe you don’t appriecate this type of humor, but other people.

    Of course they’re going to dress up to “look” Korean. They’re in a Korean society, and society does have an impact on people. I’m Chinese, and whenever I go to China, people dress differently, and it influences my fashion choices.

    Saying they torture their dog is too much. If you watch some of Simon and Martinas’ videos, you know that Spudgy likes the duo, and does not try to run away from them.

    Martina being cute is probably part the influence of Korean culture, where girls try to act cute to get their boyfriends or significant other to do or buy something for them. Thus, I don’t think she is trying to be “cute”, but rather has caught on to the “cuteness” part of Korea.

    For the abbeviations, you are free to say you dislike them, but to say “their 10 year old fanbase probably thinks that’s funny” is just mean and bashing.

    One last thing. I read that “polite” post on trumblr, and it was no where near polite. An example,”last message is totally obscured by and ultimately lost to the horrifyingly shitty things that Simon and Martina say in the video.” I don’t know about you, but the instant I see cursing in a post, my consideration and respect for that post goes down

    In the end, what I’m trying to say is that you are intitled to your our opinion, and people may disagree, such as myself, but you could have done a much more respectful approach, and it probably would have been much more powerful than throwing swear words around.

  33. People take them too seriously. Come on, really? Why would you write a whole post on why you hate 2 people? I personally like Simon and Martina. Simon is usually very confident of himself and it might make him look like a jerk but it’s just personality he puts for entertainment. As well as Martina with her cutsieness. They admit they are dorky and weird. Just because you don’t like the fact that they are having fun and earning money doesn’t mean you have to rant about them. If you hate them SO much, don’t watch them! SIMPLE. Don’t even talk or blog about them anymore!

  34. These are all your opinions and whatever, honestly. I don’t give a rat’s ass. But what REALLY bothers me here is that you accuse Simon and Martina of slut shaming and being misogynistic and THEN talk about how Martina is the shit half of the duo and really nothing compared to her male counterpart. You more or less called her a SOUNDING BOARD and failed to recognize that she puts half the work, both in front of and behind the camera into their brand, whether or not you like it. That sounds remarkably like girl hate, which is, in my opinion, one of the most abhorrently baseless offenses one female can thrust upon another in an already biased society. Roooooound of applause, sister.

    • No that’s just you assuming that because Martina is a girl that is why she annoys me and is unfunny to me. It’s not about gender and I don’t give a shit what she does off of camera because that’s not relevant to why people like them. Anyone can edit videos or whatever. It’s the same scenario with lead singers and bands. The lead singer is not replaceable but the band members are because they aren’t what people remember. If I said that Matt Stone, Bret or Spenny were unfunny and that their partner is what made it work you would take no offense. I think that girls can be hilarious however I don’t find Martina hilarious.

  35. I’m from Ontario, and most of us use the word “ghetto” to describe something cheap. It is a Canadian thing. It is not a racist word where we are from. It is our culture. I’ll give you an example. In the UK, they refer to East Asians as “Oriental”, and “Asians” in the UK are “Indians” in North America. Do the British people need to apologize and admit they are wrong because they offend an American when they say Oriental? Obviously not. The poster is such a small minded person.

    • I am Canadian. It is not a Canadian thing. And yes they do need to apologize if a minority is offended at a word. It doesn’t matter where you come from, it is not an excuse. YOU ARE STILL SAYING SOMETHING THAT OFFENDS PEOPLE. Even if you don’t feel like it’s racist if someone who the word is used against says it is, it is. By the way it’s still classist as well.

      • “Ghetto is derogatory. It is a racist and classist slur meant to put down black and/or poor people.”
        I could be super sensitive and be offended that you associate the word ‘ghetto’ with ‘black people’. Also I could be offended by how much cleavage/shoulder Martina shows in some videos. So many things can offend individuals. I honestly found S&M more ‘wronged’ that they were accused of being racist. They just defended themselves by contextualizing what the word ‘ghetto’ means to them and to many people. It’s not like they dropped a universally offensive word. They are on youtube and can’t cater to all their viewer’s sensitivities.

  36. SOO I know I’m like, a year late, but holy shit are you me? This is how I feel about them exactly. I don’t hate Simon and Martina (because I don’t know them personally, and so have no real basis to… I mean, I’m sure they’re nice enough people, maybe?) but I have always felt like they tried too hard in their videos, which I find incredibly annoying. I used to watch their videos once in awhile because I know a lot of people who love them, and so I was like, “maybe I’ll grow to like them, too” but it never happened.

    AND THE ABBREVIATIONS. I’m pretty sure they picked out the abbreviations first (WANK and FAPFAP or whatever) and then forced meanings to them… because let’s face it, “Wonderful Adventure Now Korea” is a reeeally awkward phrase.

    And the content of those videos, also agree there. That is exactly the kind of videos I would have made while I was in Korea if I had subscribers (and camera equipment… lols). not some dumb “search for the K-pop celeb on shop windows” garbage… its like they assume that all of their viewers are shallow and only care about Korea for kpop :/ As for talking to locals… that would be awesome, but based on the videos of theirs I HAVE seen, I think that might be outside their level of Korean… or maybe they’re actually really good at Korean (though you’d never guess it from their accents or the basic and not-always-correct sentences they use in their weird little skits. And you can argue that their accents aren’t good because they’re white/native English speakers/Korean is hard—which it is, but I mean, I’ve been learning for 2.5 years and have a better accent than either of them do, and I was only able to spend 5 months in Korea… they’ve been living in Korea for agesssss. That kind of exposure really should have improved their accents a lot… SORRY for the rant, but bad pronunciation is a pet peeve of mine. It’s one thing to have a bad accent if you’re self-taught or aren’t in Korea but they have no excuse, in my opinion.

  37. can i ask how is ghetto offensive? poor people, rich people use it. Where i live everyone uses it blacks, whites, etc & they have no problem with each other using it. people are not using the term ghetto as often to refer to the poorer parts of town. A lot of people use ghetto to refer to cheap items or knock-offs. fufu someone is sensitive Im glad Im a girl that doesn’t get offended easily…

  38. To start off with this comment I am not looking for a fight but I’m looking for an end to this game of they say this then I’ll say that which I am sort of doing right now. And I am just expressing the way I feel just like you are expressing the way you feel I am not an expert on life nor are you. I can’t speak for everyone and nor can you and personally I respect you for an opinion but not everyone will agree with you or me. I don’t think it’s right to say that about Hyuna and that’s a bit uncalled for and the ghetto thing is a bit dumb. The whole tag bet thing was actually stupid and they did not have any right to say that but you also have no right to call them assholes. I am sure they are being stuck up and not apoligizing but so are you and we all have those moments where we say we won’t move on but you got to someday. For their jobs which they actually want to do and give a lot of their time and life trying to please the people who like them the whole. ‘Martina trying to be cute’ thing can get old sometimes but personally I do that for no reason or fun its good if your happy and like doing things like that but it’s what she does so no need to sugar coat it. I find it makes me laugh smile or it can make me angry when I’m not in a good mood or I just don’t like it. I get you think some of their videos are boring but you don’t need to watch them if you don’t want/like to watch them. I think blocking is childish and they should say ‘Hey I’m sorry to the people who think this is offensive and I know that we are also being offensive but I’d like to say this is my job and maybe my choice of words weren’t right I am sorry”. You should also say ‘I’m sorry if I offended people and I don’t have exactly the right to say what I said nor do them and I am sorry”. It’s actually not that hard and I think you should fix your post and say it nicer or you can take it down. I am just saying they shouldn’t say some things you shouldn’t say some things but we should all just move on. And I think you have every right to be angry but so do the other 6 999 9999 people of the world and I happen to like Simon and Martina and I support Eatyourkimchi. And it’s not like they screwed you over or me over or anybody over ok maybe someone but I think we should just be happy we have kpop and people we enjoy. 🙂

  39. I totally agree that simonandmartina is ANNOYING!!! I hated them when they said that they hated the song “Freeze” by BlockB. What right do they have to say that when BlockB was just starting out, clearly most Kpop singers and performers try to copy what catches people attention in other countries so they can be favored their too, they shouldn’t have judged them on that song for saying “F*** us” they were just trying things to catch peoples attention. Simonandmartina are stupid idiots that I wish would just quit trying to be some Koreans cuz their not! Don’t try to be what your not or you look like freaking idiots.

  40. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you have serious issues. Why do you torture yourself by watching their videos if you hate them so much. Their videos are 100% their opinion. Of course you are gonna disagree with them from time to time but if you disagree with them so much why bother watching their videos, seriously :/

    • I agree with you and plus those kpop idols DO See their videos and they don’t care. Stop being butt-hurt over a joke. They are critics and they critique songs on how good they are and how bad they are, that is their jobs. This person is just trying to get some fame from them by giving out a negative vibe.

  41. Come at me bro. I think you’re a complete imbecile that needs to go to anger management. While you’re talking bad about them, they don’t give a shit! You saying a word, neither helps nor hinders them. You do not matter! You are worthless against them. The truth is they’re probably living the life you wish you could enjoy in Korea. Well they got there by their own means.
    I found this post by accident but I’m glad I did. I got to laugh for a whole hour reading your pathetic childish answers and posts. xD You are so lame!!! hahahahha XD.

    And if you didn’t know, they’re certified English teachers, their stuff is full of symbolism. The reason why they act all aegyo and whatnot is mostly to mock what the artist do. Simon’s “oooh you so nasty” dance originated from the mocking of bubble pop which tried to sell woman as beings who shake their butts and boobs for all to see and make it pop; Yeah, hyuna’s choreographers are awesome right?

    Hyuna can sing. She might be able to dance, but all I have seen is SLUT WORTHY body shaking. Oh yeah I said it! Come at me bro.

    • This. Lmao ing at the fact that she spends hours typing out “opinions” which channel a kernel of dislike in each of her comment. While she sits infront of her computer doing what she likes.i.e uh This, Simon and martina are doing something productive. Lol guys keep making her type about her ghetto opinion. She should make a thesis out of this.

      • And you’ve obviously been spending time reading and replying to these comments. Why don’t you get a life? 🙂 If my articles are such trash then why read them and comment? If you read it and others did then it wasn’t a waste of my time. You encourage me to keep doing what I’m doing. Thank you.

  42. I don’t think you are trying to understand what SimonandMartina are trying to say at all..
    They are saying that they appreciate CONFIDENT or MEANINGFUL sexiness, sexiness that bring out the artisticness of a vid. So when it is obvious HyunA’s sexiness is all about just wanting to look as sexy as she could, some of us feel like she’s being forced or used to get moreews and to get more popular.
    And yes, kpop idols ARE usually trying to be seductive but that’s also just a ‘concept’, in easy words they are asked or forced to do that. And while other kpop idols draw a line in being seductive, HyunA is OVER the line here. Her videos are used masturbating for guys and i do NOT find that cool.
    And i’m telling you, i live in korea,i went to 4minute’s fansigning and i met HyunA. She was a very kind and sweet girl she even signed her autograph on my hand when i asked her to.
    Also you think it is sick that Martina is being aegyo?
    I think it is great cuz a lot of people find aegyo weird, but by being a bit aegyo and liking cute asian things, Martina is experiencing the korean cultures and seems to be wanting to fit in the korean society as well. I get that you are angry at simonandmartina but i hope you take a step back and try to understand what they are trying to say cuz you clearly seem like you don’t. I don’t care if you hate them AFTER you fully understood what they’re trying to say but just get their point first will you?

  43. Stop taking every wise cracking joke they make to heart they don’t actually mean it! there just having fun so calm down

  44. Wow, you are sad. Did you really just write a whole freaking essay, including paragraphs, just because a youtuber irritates you? You sir, need to get a life.

      • I don’t mind haters but what I’m trying to display is that you are being hypocrites. You tell me if you don’t like their videos don’t watch(and tbh I haven’t watched another one of their videos since I wrote this because I was done with them) and yet you come to my blog and read it WHEN YOU DONT LIKE IT. No I don’t block anyone because I’m not a baby like Simon and Martina.

  45. wow, pretty bold for you to say nasty and rude comments. If you don’t like them stop watching their videos easy as that. You don’t need to give a whole explanation about how annoying they are. You just need to unsubscribe them, okay.

  46. You have no idea how badly I want to knuckle punch you up the butt hole. Seriously, you must be 12 years old or something when you posted this. Such idiotic nonsense. I hope that by now you realize how stupid you were. Not only do I disagree 100% to everything you said, but your facts are also wrong. It’s not that Martina actually tries hard to be aegyo, in all honestly, she is. She exaggerates it a lot, obviously, because it’s funnier to see exaggerated aegyo. Spudgy is not being ‘tortured’ when they sit him on their lap and move his paws around. Spudgy is a laid-back dog, and if he was being tortured, they would be hurting him and he would not be sitting there taking it… And, Simon and Martina absolutely love Spudgy, and they not only pet him and play with him all the time, but if you were a true Nasty, you would know that over the years, they have had to pay hundreds of dollars a month on medical bills for Spudgy, so that he can be as comfortable as he can be. They’ve made Spudgy dance to the songs at the end of every KMM for the past like 4 years. Get over it. It’s not going to stop, because it’s a KMM tradition. They’re ‘out of touch with Korea’ because they’re NOT FROM KOREA. They’re not completely fluent in Korean, yet, either. It’s not like you can just go to Korea for a few years and suddenly be completely absorbed into the country and be completely in touch with it. You would have to live there much longer than just 4 years… Jesus christ, and you even complain about the logo. IT’S A LOGO. IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF THE E LOOKS WEIRD, MY GAWD. Seriously, you think that we Nasties need to grow up because we think EYK is funny… I think it is you who needs to grow up, because you are honestly the most ridiculous person ever. Please get your facts right, and never write another post like this about Simon and Martina, because you apparently are not as grown up as you think you are.

  47. I googled “Simon and Martina an….”, didnt even finish typing and Google offered me “Simon and Martina annoying”, LOL. That’s how I got to your site. I LOVED this hate post, lol. I agree with your assessment. Personally, I can’t stand their faces or voices. Saw them on Running Man and wondered where the fuck Running Man found these people.

    Being annoying or ACTING cute is the way to get famous these days, it seems. Don’t forget, people these days have incredibly low standards when it comes to entertainment; that’s how people like Bieber got famous. Have you seen his live singing? Weak. Lol. Anyway, keep up the rants if you like. It’s your website, you can say whatever the hell you want.

  48. I really don’t care much for the k-pop part of simon and martina because i’m not exactly a fan o kpop. I watch more of their fan mail opening and their tl;dr, their WANK and FAPFAP and those things. I don’t think the engrish is offensive though? because if you’re going to talk in another language and you’re going to put it in a song or an advertisement you’re supposed to do it well. My first language is spanish and I know that sometimes my english is not the best. And they dropped the “find a korean idol and the best engrish” after a few episodes. Now they go to places and they explain how things work there.
    I enjoy a lot watching their Tl;dr because they answer the questions from their point of view and they make clear that they are only speaking for themselves or from their experiences.
    also, the whole “Martina’s cute is annoying” well… most of the time they use the aegyo martina as a joke, because I remember hearing them say it’s annoying in one of their tl;dr. when they make the silly voices it’s a joke. Yeah, it may be annoying to some people, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously.
    I wont say anything about their kpop mondays because i don’t watch them, but I read their response and I think it was bad

  49. Also they know enough korean to talk to people on the streets and make friends and live in the country. They say that they want to know more because it makes the experience better.

  50. This is an amusing post, so I’m not going to take it seriously. I’m sure your just letting off steam because of an annoying YouTube video. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, as you are entitled to yours.

  51. It really doesn’t matter what they say. Everybody has there own opinions and not just them but others express their opinions too. They can do whatever they want. You don’t need to make a huge deal over what they did and all. Just stop hating on them

  52. I honestly think your hatring on them because of that Hyuna thing. I think your blinding your self with hate from that and suddenyl saying that you hate them, and once that pissed you off you started to be more critical on them than they actually are

  53. the way you’re so easily offended makes it obvious you have some issues with yourself, hating on Simon and Martina wont help you

  54. Having your own opinions is fine, but unless I’m severely mistaken, you didn’t gain much from this at all, did you? I mean, the replies weren’t exactly beneficial to your life in any way, we’re they? I don’t get why people, generally, not just you, would go to such extremities to announce your dislike of two people that I don’t see have done any wrong to you. Some of your criticism seems also a little forced, but I guess their argument is a little superficial too. But let them be. Why do you expect them to be so good? They are only human, and nobody could possibly be perfect. They are doing what they enjoy, and so let them. If people flame you for what you do now, that would be hurtful and wrong, so why must you go against them?
    I feel like I’m preaching, but don’t take it the wrong way. I just feel kind of bemused, is all.

    • I didn’t gain anything but I didn’t lose anything either. Because it doesn’t bother me when people say harsh things towards me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as am I. It’s just what I think it doesn’t make it in anyway fact and people need to realize this.

  55. I know this is late as hell but I just found this blog so here goes… I agree with you. As a Kpop newbie I watched them at first because I didn’t know any better. The more I watched the less I liked it. Maybe I found the funniest espisodes first? Some were absolute gold! But then it was like ‘lame’, ‘boring’, ‘awkward’, ‘wtf?’, and all kinds of weird sort of nonchalant offensive stuff going on that made me really uncomfortable. If they interview artists I like I suffer through it to hear what the artists have to say but I’ve unsubscribed and don’t watch any of their other youtube content.

    I also don’t have a problem with you expressing your dislike for them. People express their likes on blogs but it can’t be the other way around?

  56. Honestly you’re trying to justify why you find S&M annoying but you’re jut making yourself look like a total hater. You’re not proving a single point. You talk too much crap. If you actually look at their videos they show places where to go and explain what Koreans do. Want to learn about Korea’s history? Look for it yourself. Yes, they talk about Korea but they don’t have to take about the damn history! In WANK they actually show the place and explain. Just admit it. You’re just too damn hardheaded and bias. You’re just hating on people who are more popular and more well known than you. They also have more of a life than you do. You sit and hate on a funny, loving couple who entertain and make people laugh and learn about Korea. P.S Just your photo. That shit ain’t cute.

  57. I Think its funny how this post about bashing and supporting Simon and Martina looks like to be such a serious debate… and Im prety sure they dont care… nor need to.. i find them entertaining to a point but they are not and will never be my sole point of information about the country..

  58. People get mad too much. If you have an opinion, good. Don’t get mad at someone else for having one. Sure, I didn’t necessarily agree with much of what this person said either, as I enjoy Simon ans Martina and they’ve actually helped me with some things I needed/wanted information about with their website, and I love their humor, as I am easily entertained. Just because this person has the balls to post their opinion to just suffer through the really irritating, repetitive, boring, and plain stupid responses bashing their badassery.

    • Wow you can realize that my opinion isn’t fact and doesn’t detract from you enjoying Simon and Martina? You’re really too smart to be commenting here with these idiots. lol

      • I’m lol-ing because people are still commenting and it’s been 4 years, 2 since I last commented. hahahahahaha I guess the internet never stops being butthurt.

  59. Wow, such heated debate over people on the internet.
    I don’t think I could ever care enough to write a whole essay about people I dislike…

  60. are you asian? *cough* obviously not *cough*
    btw if you really think about it you sound like a 10 year old having a tantrum. good day!

    • Are Simon and Martina Asian? Last I checked no they aren’t. What does that have to do with it? Should I not have an opinion because I’m white? Oh okay then Simon and Martina should shut down their site too.

  61. I have followed S & M for three years now. Last time I left a criticism on their newest video about Kpop group member names. I just stated that I found it a pity that they don’t bother to learn the names OR proper Korean pronounciation although make their living off Korean culture and Kpop. I didn’t curse or even used any really harsh words.

    They replied me back about how EYK is not a Kpop channel? they’re just making this videos for fun etc etc making me look like a total hater. I got tons of hate from Nasties. Now I unsubscribed and bye EYK….

    And yes their Korean is horrible…

  62. I agree with you. I get that you were mad too. It’s so silly that people reading this will ignorantly reply without taking into account you said you were mad. And it’s even sadder people are telling you to keep your opinions to yourself when the rest of the internet, blogs and Simon&Martina do that too. I applaud you because you wrote it and EXPLAINED why. Something most people never do, including EYK. I too feel like they are detached from Korea. They refer to Korean things as weird. Like their humour. Yet they do aegyo? SMH. You are right in saying they are tryhards too.

    The things that annoy me about EYK is their blind eye to their rudeness and their lack of explaining. Also, they can be outright rude. I doubt their responses are made by them because they say the stupidest things sometimes. I don’t find them funny either. I noticed the repetition of jokes within a few views of their videos. I think they went too far with the review on Troublemaker. Hyuna was featured on that song and yet Hyunseung got so little attention in the review. I also know they don’t like 4minute. They’ve humiliated them on multiple occasions pretending it’s humour.

    Anyway. Thanks for this post.

  63. I understand being passionate about a stand point, but I can’t help but think you are expressing your opinion, which others would either disagree or agree with (of course), and you are not prepared to accept that there are people who see what they do in a different light to you.
    I’m not saying you should forgive them because if you are offended then you are right to stand by your argument, but the way you wrote your article seemed solely to bash and belittle them.
    I felt like the article lost it’s point, because all the things you said about Martina and their other work weren’t even relevant to the Trouble Maker video or anything they said on Twitter.
    I just felt that you were being aggressive towards Simon and Martina themselves.
    I personally like Simon and Martina because of their use of editing and filming. I think they have a good understand of how media works, because as much as people could easily criticise them for being “over the top” I think it is doing all these things that make people think they are putting a lot of effort in, like a service to their fans, and it makes their videos more entertaining to watch.
    I think if you maybe understood media techniques a little more you would see what they are trying to achieve in their videos and why they act a certain way.

  64. You lost any possibility of inhabiting the moral high ground upon which you clearly believe you stand when you said you wanted to punch anyone, much less a woman, in the face because you find them ‘annoying.’ I think your judgment is so obfuscated by your negative emotions that you can’t yourself see it, but in their entirety your remarks concerning Martina have a less-than-subtle and wholly hypocritical undertone of sexism. In terms of your actual argument, it’s so poorly structured and based on a largely incomplete and/or fallacious reading of what the couple actually said in the video as to render it indefensible, and therefore unworthy of an offensive. Regardless of whether one agrees with the few arguably substantive observations you made regarding Simon and Martina remarks—deeply-buried though they may be in an otherwise hate-filled screed—your whole demeanor just screams jealousy. All you do by continuing to beat your position to death is draw attention to just how bitter you are over someone else’s success.

  65. Did you seriously spend 4 hours typing up a giant hate letter that was completely biased, useless and serving no good other than to fuel your prepubescent passive aggressive anger channeled towards a couple of Youtubers…Please do us all a favor and find something else to do with your free time.

  66. I read the “brilliant post calling them out on it in a perfectly polite way,” and, in my opinion, Si&Mar brought up very legit points in their own defense. I’m not such a big fan of theirs (just watched a few videos) and neither am I kpop obsessed; just making that clear. This post of yours is extremely biased, though, and made my head spin to read it all… While it’s true that sometimes Simon and Martina may come across as annoying in some ways for those who don’t like their [insert whatever people have issues with], they’re generally just trying to be funny and entertaining, at least in my opinion. For me, if they were to review kpop music videos, or address people’s questions about Korea without Martina’s over-the-top aegyo, or Simon’s nasteh antics or whatever, it just wouldn’t be as fun or as entertaining for viewers as it is now. Even though I’m not entirely familiar with their methods of expressing and presenting their opinions, so far it all seems to be well thought out and hilariously executed… for those who like that kind of humor, at least.

    What will they have to do so that people quit blowing things out of context and stop misunderstanding their overall message? Wave disclaimer banners throughout the entire video? I seem to almost always get the gist of what they’re trying to say, as do lots of other people, fans included. It would really suck if they had to add a disclaimer every five seconds of the video just so people don’t freak out over something they joked about or even had legitimate cause (in their opinion) to bring up. I dunno… Haters goin’ hate.

  67. Dude… What simon and martina said was not racist. It was an opinion and you putting things like, they abuse their dog is VERY childish. XD Get the f*ck over it and move the f*ck on. Oh and btw, Simon and Martina responded to your post and totally pwned and put you in your place. Just sayin. ;p

  68. I don’t really care about why you hate Simon and Martina, everyone has their own opinion; I just thought I’d point out that considering them racist for calling something “ghetto” in fact makes you racist. A ghetto is a cheap place to live, but things tend to be run down because it IS a cheap place to live. However, calling something that’s cheap “ghetto” doesn’t mean you’re being racist, all different races live in ghettos. It’s not like it’s a place solely for black people, or solely for Hispanic, or Indian, or Asian, or White or whatever other race.

    Calling someone racist because they call something ghetto is basically YOU implying that only certain races live in the ghetto, thus making you seem racist. I don’t know where you got the idea that only certain races live in ghettos, but I can assure you every country on this planet has ghettos which means every race on this planet has people that live in ghettos. Calling something ghetto is basically calling something cheap, no race included.

  69. I respect your opinion, but you have no right to say swears at them and call them names. You were using language that wasn’t necessary. I can’t say that your opinion is wrong, but I can’t say it was right. I love S&M with all my heart. Just next time could you not use so much swears because that ticked me off.We all have opinions I guess, be careful though because your opinion sounded like a mass of insults. Remember to respect S&M’s opinions on Kpop too. I feel like we are kinda the same,your angry at S&Ms opinions on Kpop and I am angry of your opinion of S&M. Don’t push the limit on you opinion though, saying that all their segments are bad is blindly finding more points to hate on them.I visited Korea and I find that the WANK was very useful. I kinda feel that you have no opinion on this because you never went to Korea from what you told us and if you know you were acting rude can’t you change that? Acting childish was never a sin and will never be a sin.Also they don’t torture Spudgy they give him is medicine and when they make him dance he shows no sign of pain, that is one thing that i have to say was wrong.

  70. ~ From the top…
    “This was a well thought out, well written post that wasn’t flaming them or anything.”
    Just because a post is long does not mean it is well thought out or well written. That OP assumed a lot, took things out of context, misunderstood things, used logical fallacies… should I go on?

    “I also heard that they blocked people who disagreed with them.”
    Do you believe everything you hear?

    1. The tag… was it perhaps wrong? Maybe. But I do believe “And that’s the reason for the tag. Kind of lame huh?” is admission that it was wrong of them to do it. Does someone have to come out and say “I’m sorry” for someone to understand it is an apology. Perhaps you should let people realize and learn from their mistakes without trying to shame them.

    2. Ghetto… is only derogatory when applied to a person. Otherwise, it means exactly what other posters have already mentioned and nothing else. The person bashing them was clearly overreacting and not understanding WTH the word ghetto means. How is defending/explaining oneself against someone wrong?

    3. Try-hards… Martina and Simon work hard. They are natural at what they try. This is not the case for Hyuna trying to be sexy. Therein lies the difference. Also, no where did they slut shame Hyuna. They mentioned her sexy image seemed unnatural and wasn’t sexy. Good job in ignoring parts of their response.

    4. There are talented dancers and singers in KPop. Just because the majority of them are beautiful doesn’t mean they can’t and/or aren’t appreciated for their talent. Also, I’m pretty sure Martina has said she likes T.O.P. mainly for his voice/rapping (although no one can deny looks help). It seemed more like you were ranting in this point than a responding to what Simon and Martina said.

    Let’s look at your bashing, shall we?
    “…their dumbass tumblr argument… this is the douchiest thing ever… makes you a fucking dumbass… bitch please… you are probably the biggest pair [of try-hards] I’ve ever seen…Martina tries to be cute but ends up being an annoying tryhard dumbass… she should leave the cuteness to people who suit it… She looks ridiculous… She’s essentially useless…”

    And that list goes on and on.

    Also, I’m sure you were going for exaggeration but these are just done badly:
    “They want to be Korean… They torture their dog… 10 year old fanbase…”

    You seem to be operating under the assumption 1) That everything they said in their post is wrong 2) that they don’t realize it was wrong and 3) they should apologize for it. Nothing they said in their post has been proven wrong by yours. I’m sure they know their real mistakes. And apologies are very limited in their usefulness. It is enough to learn from your mistakes.

    Honestly, judging from your post you have a lot more mental maturing to do than they do. Fix yourself before you try to fix others. (I do realize this post was several years ago and perhaps you already have grown up enough to know this post was very, very childish despite your best attempts at realizing your faults.)

  71. I do appreciate that this is your opinion (and your post) and you have the right to express it, but ragging on Martina for her looks and personality is a little petty. Maybe it would have been better to focus on the things they did that were admittedly wrong, which I agree with you about 100%, because the other stuff is just uncalled for. Also, “they torture their dog?” Really? That’s a little messed up, since they basically saved his life and spend a good amount of money on medicines to keep him alive and healthy, what with his age and his bad hips and other conditions. That was hardly necessary, and patently false. All in all though, I agree with you about most of the Hyuna stuff and think they should have apologized.

  72. Wow, I do agree with you but what i don’t understand is, how did they torture Spudgy? Like seriously, they adopted Spudgy, they saved him from being put to sleep. I can bet you NO ONE ELSE would adopt a dog that requires so much medical attention. Spudgy has to take so much medication and see the doctor so often that it’s enough to kill them ( before they became very successful ) but yet they risked it and adopted Spudgy.

    Also, you have no rights to ask them to not let their dog be in the video. It’s THEIR video. Yes, you might not agree that the video concept and choice of words that they’re using is acceptable, i respect that. But saying that THEY TORTURE THEIR DOG is simply too horrible. I who personally own 2 dogs, and if I were to make youtube videos, I would let them be in every video too. Because as my companion, I’m suppose to let them have some attention too, right?!

  73. I’m sorry but you are a freaking hater and right now, at this point in time, you are what the world needs less of.

  74. I was reading through the comments and in one you CLEARLY STATED that (quote) “Yes, this is my site so I can post whatever I want!” (unquote) There is nothing wrong with that but bashing other peoples opinions isn’t going to get you anywhere or anything besides more hate added to the hate you already have. When reading this article and then reading that reply you posted, you clearly contradicted yourself y saying that they have no right to do what they do while you have the right to post whatever you want because this is your site. Its their site so why don’t they have the right to post what they want and express their OPINOIN. You go through this saying that everything you said was your opinion in the comments but in the article, you treat like everything you said was pure fact. so which is it? If you ant people to tell you what they really think you have to get your message across first. The fact they abuse their dog, THEY SAVED HIS LIFE WITH GOOD REASON!!! I have no idea who you are but just by reading that, I can already tell I don’t want to. Is this rally the image you want to show people saying that this is who your are? Because if it is, you deserve a virtual kick in the ass.

    • It’s been a few years I think so I don’t remember everything but that was precisely my intent. I was highlighting the stupidity of it all hence the exclamation mark. Listen, either it’s all okay or it’s not. You can’t choose to give S&M one set of rules and myself another. Everyone is telling me to take this down because I’m a mean hater but yet S&M earn their living making fun of kpop celebs and in a classless way. So either we are all free to complain about each other or we are not. I say we are. There are no levels. You’re an asshole for talking shit about anyone,

      I think it’s absolute bullshit that they run a dictatorship where they can block people who criticize them. I would never ever do that. They don’t spend time addressing less than positive comments, they’d rather block people and scare them into only saying niceties.

      Personally I’d rather consider other people’s opinions and see how I can use that info. It’s good to be humble. I’m not saying I’m an angel but it’s good to consider what everyone says to better yourself. Sometimes I laugh at the stupid comments I get but sometimes they have a point. It’s up to me to decide what I do with the feedback I get but at least I don’t ignore it or erase it. I owe you at least my time and thought since you bothered to take the time out of your day to read what I’ve wrote and respond.

      And the abuse thing was hyperbole. I don’t’ actually think they abuse Spudgy and it’s clear that they love him very much,

      • I don’t mean that you can’t express your opinion on them I’m just trying to say that you don’t know them, anything about them, how they live, what they mean to do, or anything like that. I’m saying that you are taking what you see and hear and interoperating before the whole story is revealed. I’m not trying to insult you or anything, I promise, I’m just asking for you to get the whole story before you judgments are being made. I’m sorry if I insulted you, really. Maybe I was a bit quick with my comment and I apologize.

      • Sorry I was so late replying. I don’t check this blog everyday and was away without wifi for almost a month. You are correct that I don’t know them and I don’t claim to either. Could I misunderstand what kind of people they are? Yes. In fact I used to like them and found them more down to earth when they first started. But over time they have acted in ways which I don’t agree with until I eventually had enough and stopped watching them altogether.

        The thing is they don’t know anything about the idols they make fun of either. They actually made a living out of doing that too. So it’s either okay to make fun of people and complain or it isn’t. People telling me that I have no right to say those things are being biased. Of course there are lines that can be crossed and I definitely understand that I have crossed them for a lot of people but it isn’t so different from calling Hyuna a stripper when many groups do the same type of provocative things. Hyuna is a person too with feelings and I’m sure it would hurt her to know she’s thought of like that especially when she’s just doing what her label asked as are all idols. So maybe if they don’t want criticism they shouldn’t criticize either.

        And don’t worry, I take none of this personally. ^^

  75. I’m going to be honest: I don’t watch EYK. I have friends who have, and they say the same things you do. I couldn’t make it through one video. Shit was grating.

    I would always avoid it though, because why would I want to learn about a country through people who are not from that country and quite frankly have privileges in said country that Koreans don’t have? Reading through the comments, it’s clear most of these people would rather blindly stan than admit why they like them: Because EYK are people who look like them, and are safe. They’re a way to find out about some place without actually having to do so or interact with the culture, and I find that, more than anything else, sad. They give often inaccurate views on what it’s like to be in Korea, and these kids just eat it all up without taking in any truth. It’s ridiculous, and honestly harmful to actual Koreans. I had a roommate from Korea and when I said I liked KPOP the look on her face said it all. She expected me to be someone who blindly followed it while completely ignoring actual Korea and not learning anything about where she came from. That is what EYK promotes.

    I agree about the Hyuna things though. I’m a big fan of hers, and it always gets me that she basically can’t win with whatever she does. People from SNSD could go around murdering people and nothing would be said, but if Hyuna wore one short skirt there would be backlash. Ugh. (Not that I want SNSD members murdering people or that I even dislike them, just that there is obviously a double standard in play.)

  76. Wow.

    You don’t like their sense of humour? Guess what? Lots of people do. Don’t think I just blindly follow them either. I can admit I don’t laugh at every joke and I don’t find every single skit to be funny, but I can appreciate the work they put into their show to keep their audience entertained.

    The tag wasn’t in great taste, and maybe they didn’t have a good reason for it, but they have explained and really that’s the end of it. They didn’t hurt anyone, it was a silly stupid thing to do, but overall harmless.

    And since when did calling something ghetto become a racist thing?? I live in So Cal in the US and I, along with everyone I just asked, have always assumed it meant things that were neglected or in disrepair. For example, I live in a decent and quiet neighborhood, but if you walk two blocks north you literally start seeing the start of the local ghetto area. It’s a commercial area with lots of small and unhygienic bars, run down barber shops, three messy and dingy 99cent stores, a couple liquor stores and 4 permanent hobos (sometimes there’s more, but there are four that are there on a seemingly permanent basis, they’re nice guys, but down on their luck). You’ll notice I said nothing about race/ethnicity. The people living/working in this is area are a mix, White, Latino, Asian, Black, Pacific Islander, etc. There really is no one ethnicity that stands out. All the locals know this is where the ghetto starts though, just because the area has gone into a steady state of neglect and disrepair in the past 20 years. Ghetto doesn’t have to have anything to do with ethnicity or racism. If you’re calling PEOPLE ghetto that is more problematic depending on what you mean, but calling an thing/place ghetto does not have to do anything with racism.

    Also, to claim that they abuse Spudgy… what kind of sick fuck are you? You can claim that it’s a hyperbole but you seemed totally serious when you said it in the post. To accuse people who willingly took in a dog that had multiple medical problems (he was involved in a car accident before he was sent to the shelter where they got him, he has several medical problems because of this, idk if you are aware of this) and give him a loving home is admirable. They don’t HAVE to take care of him, they could have given him up when the vet told them just how extensive his problems were, instead they care for him every day and make sure he takes his daily medications (he has several he needs to take every day).Not only this, but they also shower him with love and affection and I doubt there’s a better groomed dog in all of South Korea. So what if they make him dance or show him off on videos? Their audience loves Spudgy and he’s very much a part of the EYK family that we have come to love. It’s not abuse in the least. With the amount of serious animal abuse going on in the world you saying they are animal abusers comes of as try-hard, as just one more bullet point in your already stupid argument. “Hmmm, what else can I say about them…? Oh, they have Spudgy in a lot of videos and I’m kinda annoyed by that… let’s call them animal abusers!”

    Also, as far as “try-hards”, that’s what you looked like throughout this whole post, like someone who was trying to hard to make a point that just isn’t there.

    You sick fucking piece of shit.

    • I completely agree with you.. Especially on the ghetto aspect. And in the end, that person calling eatyourkimchi racists for saying something is ghetto is right there being racist because they are associating a word which is not highly sought upon with a certain ethnicity; they are recognizing this word “ghetto” with a certain ethnicity and that right there is racism, meanwhile they are calling someone else racist just because that person is using a word which they associate with an ethnicity. ..Sorry, it’s hard to explain, but I hope you get what I mean.

  77. Hi. I read your article and I read the comments and I just want to say that I don’t agree with everything you say (its your opinion, who cares) but I do, actually, agree with some of it. I don’t really fancy the way that they had expressed Hyuna. When I watched the Trouble Maker mv., it was like every time that she came onto the screen the camera was always angled at her butt and at one point, you could literally see up her dress. Hyuna isn’t like that, hell no, and she isn’t a stripper either. I agree with you on that. some of the other things though, not so much. This is your blog and you have every right to post / write / do whatever you do to run it. So, I just want to tell you that I’m sorry on behalf of all the people who have been hating on you here. you have the right to do whatever you want and say whatever you want and i’ll respect that even if I don’t agree with it. so, I’m sorry.

  78. I see some of your points in your blog…but I feel like you addressed it in a childlike it didn’t help the situation. I don’t mean to insult you, I just think you could have put your points across from a more powerful stance if you hadn’t said things like “That’s real fucking mature” and making fun of Simon trying to be sexy. However, I do feel that sometimes Martina can be extremely annoying..and I don’t always agree with their videos, but hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, just telling you mine.

  79. Please read my opinion and don’t answer me like “It’s my website, my life, my opinion”. I get it. Really, I am not stupid.
    I can’t. I just can’t, it’s too much. How old are you? 12? (I’m not ironic, I’m serious). Because if you were mature, you shouldn’t take care of people you hate. You wrote something, they answerd you and it would be the end. But no, YOU have to have the last word. Childish, isn’t it?
    I like Simon and Martina, because they are cool, funny, and they are not psycho k-pop fans (like some people I know). They are normal people. I like Hyuna too. I think she is sexy, hell yeah. But I understand their point of view and it’s ok form me 😉
    Naaah I don’t want to starting new fight… Belive me, someday you will see how childish you were. I know the life.
    Nevermind. Take care.

  80. Congratulations. You’ve come off looking like the loser in this argument. Your pathetically childish attempt at rebuttal just shows how little you deserve to be taken seriously. I’m sure you’ll have a small group of like-minded trolls who will applaud you for what you did here, but we grown-ups will just be shaking our heads and waiting for the day when you either mature or get medicated.

  81. I think there are problems on both sides of this argument.

    The way that you addressed EYK was extremely rude and I think that this caused them to be defensive. It’s ok to disagree with people but you can do it in a more constructive way. If you were polite and explained your problems instead of verbally attacking them and they were still dismissive that would be a more valid problem.

    I think that you need to remember that people are a product of the society they grew up in. Awareness of slut-shaming has only recently become a mainstream issue. I don’t think S+M were intentionally trying to insult anyone, they were careless with their word choice, and perhaps ignorant of the wider connotations. I think it’s also why some of their humour appears quirky or weird to younger viewers… its outdated.

    Their opinion of the Troublemaker video was just poorly articulated. The reason why they didn’t like the video was because it was constructed around something they think Hyuna is bad at instead of highlighting what she is good at. This is a criticism of the director for placing so much importance on sex appeal that the true talent of the artist is overlooked. I also think they are trying to say that Hyuna is bad at acting seductively not that she isn’t sexy or attractive in general. But they are entitled to their opinion as much as you are to yours!

    Accusing them of being “tryhards” is just ridiculous – of course they try to be jokey and funny. Not everybody is super happy and peppy all of the time, but no one would want to watch videos of someone being mopey and complaining. I also think Martina acts cutesy to distract from the fact that she feels so awkward on camera. Their representation of Korea is perhaps a bit biased but not without valid reason. The EYK channel was created to show Korean culture to their Canadian families. It wouldn’t make sense to spend time showing them all the thing in Korea that they also have in Canada, hence they focus on more quirky aspects of Korean culture.

    I think EYK could have perhaps been a little more understanding or apologetic, but if you’re not going to address them in a mature and dignified manner, then you probably don’t deserve a better response than the one you got!

  82. Honestly I liked your opinion. I love EYK and I hate people who aren’t nasty but this was the first time I actually liked someone who just bashed them. There were some points that I liked and some points I didn’t like. It’s perfectly fine. Have a nice day :DD

  83. I love how you are over-sensitive over:
    1) Their tags
    2) The slut-shaming comments
    3) The ‘ghetto’ term
    4) The Tara-tards

    and how impoooortant it is (which BTW – I totally agree and think they are good things to call people out on! – but as you yourself point out in the comments, education takes time and this may be the first time they are called out and may not realise, but today I’d say they are very different in this stance – so again, in the same way you took time to learn, so do they), but then…

    1) Look at the tags you put on this post (so hateful!)
    2) You put down Martina for being too “aegyo”/cutesy (a persona), and basically say she is disposable when she is actually most of the creative work behind EYK (and smells a bit unconsciously misogynistic if you ask me…)
    3) You say they torture their dog and then say it was a joke (all the insensitive things S&M said were jokes too? And if you have seen animal torture then what you are saying is definitely very trivialising of it)
    4) You have used the term idiot to refer to people multiple times in your colourful comments, which I’ll let you know is actually as insensitive as ‘retard’ in the exact same manner, and you in fact use ‘idiot’ to tell of those who use the term ‘retard’.

    Basically, what this shows is – no one is perfect, but you have outed yourself as an HH a.k.a. a hypocritical hater. And whilst you complain they haven’t edited out their oh so insensitive stuff – neither have you changed your posts with regards to referring to people as idiots or that S&M torture their dog.

  84. Could be that you’re reading this wrong. You know I can say “you suck” and you probably (because you don’t know me especially)might be reading his in a rude way. When really it’s like when you say it to a friend jokingly. They could be being super super polite and I call people strippers in a stupid way and all. You might be reading too much into this.

  85. Oh my god this is actually hilarious. I don’t even know how I found this five years later but I love how you trash people for being this and that but you’re so hypocritical that you’re doing the exact same thing and calling them awful and offensive names. I’m actually laughing at loud 😂 Their 10 year old fan base… and then you complain about a letter in their logo. Damn, this is the most ironic post I’ve ever read in my life!

  86. The amount of times you used the N-word hard r here genuinely pissed me off. It feels hypocritical for you to say ghetto is racist but then have the gall to use slurs. I can’t even say the post felt slightly authentic because of that.

    I am a black woman so there’s no reason for me not to address this as other people apparently have ignored it.

    I get you dont like them but this felt like you wrote it in the heat of the moment. I hope you’ve grown since this was made and you understand that the way you flung those words around (much like their insensitive wording) can be hurtful and (though unintended) offensive.

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